Speaking of which, I have some important news to share. Haha, no I don't. Lol.
The light guy wrote the other day. I guess he didn't disappear. HI LIGHT GUY!!!!

I hope you don't mind me calling you that. Hope all is well in light land. Sorry... I've had a funny day.
So yeah, my neighbor is back. The one that lives across from me that I care for very much. She fell and broke her hip a couple days before Christmas. Yesterday me and another guy on my street went and picked her up and brought her and all her stuff home. HOly shit it was hard work. She only weighs 130 thank god. Not sure how she woulda got up the stairs if she weighed more. She wouldn't be carried so I stood behind her and was like crutches holding up her arm pits. 12 stairs we did... tall ones too. I'm still really sore. Proud of her though. She's 65 and frail as anything and already home in the mountains off a broke hip. Good job lady! So it seems as though I'll have some extra responsibilities for as long as we and she still live up here. She's probably got 5 years up here max. It's too hilly and snowy and icy for old ladies to walk their dogs.
I've started recording music again. It's fun.
Is anyone planning on going to the Cannibis cup in Denver for 4/20?
When I grow up I want to play like this: