I stumbled across this article on led's which is incomplete about the actual lights, but suggest they might soon be readily available.
Strawberry yields forever: LED lighting fools plants into thinking it's spring, not winter
British strawberries could soon appear in supermarkets all year round
Nursery plans to ripen 30 tonnes of fruit that would've been left to rot
Special red and blue bulbs use less electricity than normal artificial lighting
The lower energy bill reduces overall strawberry production costs
By Eleanor Harding
PUBLISHED: 19:25 EST, 1 January 2014 | UPDATED: 19:27 EST, 1 January 2014
They are traditionally a treat to be enjoyed only in the warm summer months.
But British strawberries could soon be available all year round, thanks to pioneering new technology which will help them grow out of season.
Experts have developed new LED lighting for greenhouses which fool strawberry plants into thinking that it is spring rather than winter.
The red and blue lights are low-energy, meaning they use less electricity than artificial white lights which are sometimes used by greenhouses.
It means the strawberry plants can be kept in artificial light for a lower cost, according to researchers at Stockbridge Technology Centre in Selby, North Yorkshire.
Wallings Nursery in Essex plans to use the technology this year to ripen up to 30 tonnes of fruit that it would normally have thrown away after the plants died back in the autumn.
