#newbie #firstgrow

  1. Trebla

    No smell from my Cannabis

    1st timer here. Was wondering if anyone knew why my cannabis doesn’t smell. When it was smaller it smelled pretty good. As it’s getting a tad bigger it seems like the scent went away. Here are the living conditions: Outdoor Stems have been tied It’s been FIM’d 2-3 days between watering Temp...
  2. Illuminatedsea1

    Random weed plant found in my yard

    Hi guys, I’m new to this forum so I’ll try and make this post understanding. So I moved into my rental house in the middle of July. A month later I found this little 5 leaf plant growing near my tomoto plants. I’ve let this plant grow and it’s now 4 foot tall. At first I didn’t know if it was...
  3. Kelsey ☘️heart

    What is my plants gender?!

    Hi everyone!! I'm new here and new to growing. I've done a ton of research but can't seem to determine my plants gender. Please help if you can :)
  4. Mr. Harlo

    4th week into 12/12 Flowering

    as title says I am on my fourth week of outdoor grow flowering 12/12. How do things look? Never grew before not doing anything special. Just watering and the occasional SM90.
  5. Mr. Harlo

    4th week into 12/12 Flowering

    as title says I am on my fourth week of outdoor grow flowering 12/12. How do things look? Never grew before not doing anything special. Just watering and the occasional SM90.
  6. Brownhippi710

    Newbie 3x3 tent went into flowing 1 week ago need help, tips anything helps.

    So i got this plant a few weeks back was a outdoor. strain is gg#4 once i got it i went and put in tent right away to veg. I trained her a bit as much as i could because since she grew outside it grew a natural tree shape. I toped already since she was tall 35in when i got or less now shes 38in...
  7. Mr. Harlo

    Outdoor grow outta control.

    Hey, New member here. I am going to try to make this short and sweet. I apologize for the long explanation I just wanted to cover as many questions that you guys would possibly ask throughout the growth or what not. I started two plants outside the last week of April I live on the East Coast...
  8. roony

    new to site

    Hey guys, new to the site and too growing cannabis now that its legal here just had my first outdoor grow of three plants yielding about 2 lbs and I've got to say I've got the itch its all I can think and read about I've just recenlty bought a number of strains and am gearing up for this coming...