Outdoor grow outta control.

Mr. Harlo

Hey, New member here. I am going to try to make this short and sweet. I apologize for the long explanation I just wanted to cover as many questions that you guys would possibly ask throughout the growth or what not.

I started two plants outside the last week of April I live on the East Coast. They are in pots. I have no clue what strain they are. I started with the "paper towel" method for germination. I planted them in pots (little pots) then transplanted a few weeks in to a 5 gal. I inquired a green house off amazon for my other garden and decided to move these ladies in the greenhouse. After doing that everything boosted. I had a box fan running 24/7 to promote wind. I ran into some white powdery mildew. I used a SM 90 treatment and it fixed the issue. I did not realize that they started to become root bound ( I am a beginner in growing anything, this is my first year attempting anything vegetable and fruit wise as well). I transplanted them into a 15 gallon pots and within a day they were reaching for the ski. They are about 4 feet and a few inches in height. Everything is going amazing however I started too late and where I live late September/October it gets cold drastically. The rate these are going I feel they would want to push through till early November which is not possible. I started the 12/12 about a week ago to promote flowering, so I can harvest sooner than later. I have a cedar closet in my basement and have been lugging them inside and out 6am to 6pm. They are doing amazing over night in the closet and I have now pistols everywhere starting to pop out.... Ok so here is the issue this morning I brought them out at 6am sharp we had seriously high humidity levels today and by the time I got home at 6pm they grew about 8 inches in length within 12 hours. They are hitting the roof of the green house and I can not have them outside. Is it possible to continue this inside the cedar closet or
Is it to late? Any advice is much appreciated. I am at a loss and this is more then I bargained for apparently.


I am new to growing weed also , but at this point is it really a garden problem or physics ? if its hitting the roof what can be done practically ? 15 gallon pots are about a foot tall. can you bury them and heat the green house ?


Well-Known Member
Hey, New member here. I am going to try to make this short and sweet. I apologize for the long explanation I just wanted to cover as many questions that you guys would possibly ask throughout the growth or what not.

I started two plants outside the last week of April I live on the East Coast. They are in pots. I have no clue what strain they are. I started with the "paper towel" method for germination. I planted them in pots (little pots) then transplanted a few weeks in to a 5 gal. I inquired a green house off amazon for my other garden and decided to move these ladies in the greenhouse. After doing that everything boosted. I had a box fan running 24/7 to promote wind. I ran into some white powdery mildew. I used a SM 90 treatment and it fixed the issue. I did not realize that they started to become root bound ( I am a beginner in growing anything, this is my first year attempting anything vegetable and fruit wise as well). I transplanted them into a 15 gallon pots and within a day they were reaching for the ski. They are about 4 feet and a few inches in height. Everything is going amazing however I started too late and where I live late September/October it gets cold drastically. The rate these are going I feel they would want to push through till early November which is not possible. I started the 12/12 about a week ago to promote flowering, so I can harvest sooner than later. I have a cedar closet in my basement and have been lugging them inside and out 6am to 6pm. They are doing amazing over night in the closet and I have now pistols everywhere starting to pop out.... Ok so here is the issue this morning I brought them out at 6am sharp we had seriously high humidity levels today and by the time I got home at 6pm they grew about 8 inches in length within 12 hours. They are hitting the roof of the green house and I can not have them outside. Is it possible to continue this inside the cedar closet or
Is it to late? Any advice is much appreciated. I am at a loss and this is more then I bargained for apparently.
I'd like to move into this cedar closet. Yes you can move them inside but it might be easier to supercrop the hell out of them to control height and start tarping the greenhouse .


Well-Known Member
I'd like to move into this cedar closet. Yes you can move them inside but it might be easier to supercrop the hell out of them to control height and start tarping the greenhouse .
yep this guy gots it... its about all you can do... how long have they been stretching? the stretch SHOULD stop eventually and things will start bulking up... that is unless you have a very sativa dominant strain... those thing will take for freaking ever and get very very tall. Hope it works out man! Those buds from your very first grow.. whilst some times lack luster (personal exp. not a knock on you at all) they are still amazing because they are YOUR OWN!
Can you put anchors at the top to anchor some of the stems to train it to slow down and grow a little bushier instead of vertical?

Mr. Harlo

Hey guys I got all worked out. I posted something in the outdoor section and got some pretty quick responses. I was in panic mode when I posted this and was not thinking clearly. I raised the back end of the greenhouse and earned about two feet of space in height. I continue to lug them up and down the stairs every 12 hours. Even though both plants were started at the same time one seems to be a few days behind the other. The tallest one of the two is now done growing in height but now growing out. The other one though is still in the stretching stage it seems because it's still going up in height daily. Here is a picture from Tuesday and then one snapped right now of the same plant. Defiantly have pistol growth and all seems to be working well. Just now how long do I 12/12 for?



Well-Known Member
Hey guys I got all worked out. I posted something in the outdoor section and got some pretty quick responses. I was in panic mode when I posted this and was not thinking clearly. I raised the back end of the greenhouse and earned about two feet of space in height. I continue to lug them up and down the stairs every 12 hours. Even though both plants were started at the same time one seems to be a few days behind the other. The tallest one of the two is now done growing in height but now growing out. The other one though is still in the stretching stage it seems because it's still going up in height daily. Here is a picture from Tuesday and then one snapped right now of the same plant. Defiantly have pistol growth and all seems to be working well. Just now how long do I 12/12 for?
instead of bringing them in and out... why don't you put a black garbage bag over them at night? or are they too big for that? i'm sure you can find some pretty big ones. for $8, it'll save you alot of un-necessary labor i'm sure.

Mr. Harlo

instead of bringing them in and out... why don't you put a black garbage bag over them at night? or are they too big for that? i'm sure you can find some pretty big ones. for $8, it'll save you alot of un-necessary labor i'm sure.
I am sure I can find bags big enough at the local hardware store. However would the bag rubbing on the plants be okay? Also wouldn't a plastic bag create an environment that is to humid? Should I seal the bag around the pot with a bungee cord or just leave it loose?


Well-Known Member
I am sure I can find bags big enough at the local hardware store. However would the bag rubbing on the plants be okay? Also wouldn't a plastic bag create an environment that is to humid? Should I seal the bag around the pot with a bungee cord or just leave it loose?
i don't know the legistics of it, just putting the idea out there. i've never done it myself.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I got all worked out. I posted something in the outdoor section and got some pretty quick responses. I was in panic mode when I posted this and was not thinking clearly. I raised the back end of the greenhouse and earned about two feet of space in height. I continue to lug them up and down the stairs every 12 hours. Even though both plants were started at the same time one seems to be a few days behind the other. The tallest one of the two is now done growing in height but now growing out. The other one though is still in the stretching stage it seems because it's still going up in height daily. Here is a picture from Tuesday and then one snapped right now of the same plant. Defiantly have pistol growth and all seems to be working well. Just now how long do I 12/12 for?
You need to keep the same light schedule for the duration of flower. I would seriously consider supercropping the plants now, like hotrod suggested. Have you done any training on the plants or are they xmas trees.