
  1. A

    Need Suggestions on Mainline+Basic Questions

    Ok, let's get right into it. Using FoxFarms Ocean Forest mix. In the beginning I was having some nutrient problems but when defoliating and hst the problems seem to have have gone away. It has only been about a week though since mainline operation has started. I topped right at the fourth node...
  2. Yesyes3000

    Please help me. Plants are doing something weird at about 3 weeks old from seed.

    Hello hope all are well. Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with my plants ? They are showing something on the leaves. I’ve ruled out bugs already so not sure what to do . Please help thank you. Growing the ethos’s grandpas stash multi pack
  3. G

    Jacks 321 Nitrogen Toxicity Week 2 Flower Help

    I have been growing for 4 years now. This is my first grow with jacks. Im growing in Coco and Perlite. I went full strength through Veg with minor nute burn, but got great results. The first week for flower I used 2/2/2/Moab and started to show N toxicity by week 2. Its pretty bad.This is a...
  4. A

    Got Lots of Brown Spots on Early Veg

    Just put this seedling in the new pot a few days ago and I was having some leaf problems before but now I'm debating on what this one is. Got some FF aquatic mix, and I've topped it once... Also, Idk if I should trim anymore right now. I've taken some bad leaves off amd the response hasn't been...
  5. max316420

    Well this is embarrassing….

    Hey guys I’m kinda embarrassed to have to ask this question but I can’t find any info about this anywhere. Ok so I scooped some beans from fat cat labs of purple flamingo. So I do my usual way of germinating them by putting them into seed starting soil and wetting it. This has always worked for...
  6. J

    Rooted clones are drooping and yellowing a couple days after transplant from plugs to soil.

    I used the brown clone plugs for a batch of clones with clonex rooting gell. Two weeks later the majority were ready to transplant. I transplanted them in small pots of bio bizz light mix soil and a half a low strenght amout of bio gro and hygrozyme as well as some microbes. I dunk the clone...
  7. A

    New Seedling, One Concern

    So I got a new seedling going and the main stem is purple. A part of me thinks it's because I have my light 24 hours on. I'm also just using foxfarms soil. Other than that, tell meh how it looks...
  8. Musice13buds

    Dying branches

    I got a couple of these branches dying in the back. Not sure what to do. I had a humidity issue couple weeks back. So I start with my exhaust fan. Seem to clean up. I live in the northeast so I run a heater. It died over night so I hooked my back up heater. Maybe I put it on too hot and it burnt...
  9. D

    Help humidity got too high and killed plants

    So normally I leave the door n vents on my tent open to keep the humidity and temperature around 60% and 25° Celcius but my vents closed with the wind n humidity and temperature rose to about 110% and 35° for 12-18 hours will they recover and what can I do for them
  10. W

    Help! I dug up a seed

    Hey everyone, I planted a Gorilla Zkittlez seed 7 days ago, and it still hadn’t germinated. The soil around the seed had dried out on one occasion so I wondered if maybe that was why. being as anxious and impatient as I am, I decided to inspect today, and dug up a seed in the middle of...
  11. M

    Help one plant is sick

    Need help one plant is looking sick no root rot no issues in rockwool bottom of plant looks good top no good 12 hours ago they were fine looking great
  12. P

    My plant has heat stress my bud feels dry

    One of my plants I think has heat stress my bud feels dry will it get moist again how can I bring it back I’m 6 weeks into flowering will it come back before harvest 8-9 weeks
  13. F

    Help!!!! - week 14

    Hi All, week 14 of growth, not sure if she is ready or if it needs more time / could bulk up more. First grow, second plant of the crop; harvested first one way too early snd quite disappointed with the yield / quality. This plant seems to be doing better but has had ph/nute issues. The plants...
  14. P

    Should I harvest

    Do all pistils change color most of my pistils changed colors except my top buds do you wait till all pistils change color how do I know they are ready to harvest
  15. P

    All lower buds in plants

    Why do all my buds at the butt of all my plants look way frostier and look more ready to harvest then my top buds is that normal or are my lights to close what can it be Lower buds look ways frostier more of the pistil hairs look changes color already while top buds don’t look as frosty and...
  16. P

    When to harvest

    What part of the plant do I check to find out when to harvest for trichomes this is my first grow and appreciate the tips and also why do my lower buds look ready and my top buds look like they still need for time is that normal I will put pics below thank you 2 pics of the one where the...
  17. RF90

    Hoping to get pointed in the right direction!

    Alright guys so I have searched online for what is causing the yellowing on my leaves and the tips to curl down/brown. No luck. ONE MONTH OLD DWARF LOW FLYER AUTO ( the size is on track, it will not get bigger than 24 inches tall). Pre-flowers popped around week three. The center where the...
  18. Bamstradlin

    Need help from experts, what strain could this be? it dropped me 3 seeds

    my friend just gave me one little bud he said he buyed it from a farmer in Oaxaca, Mexico. the weed is so good, good taste, the effect is pretty active and gives you euphoria, taste is sweet, not like candy. any ideas of whats strain could this be i now it is impossible to tell 100% but if...
  19. H

    Broken weed stem

    A table fell on my plant. I used whatever I had at home to try my best to revive it please can anyone give me advice
  20. A


    Hello My plant is in need and I don’t know what to do!