first grow

  1. Marcc100

    My first grow! DRWC setup. Looking too bushy?

    I have a 5x5 tent with a 650 scorpion Diablo. I took me a while to figure out how to go from germination to seedling. Had to start over on a couple of the girls as you can see they are a couple weeks behind their older sisters. Big ones are 3 weeks old and babies are 1 week. I topped the older...
  2. S

    How I Screwed Up (Cocky Rookie with an Overwatered Plant)

    This is my first grow. I've been reading/watching stuff for a couple of years. Even though this was going to be a "practice grow", I was pretty confident that it was gonna be a breeze to grow and smoke my own stuff. So i had these bagseeds, 3 of them to be exact. And macgyver'd the shit out of...
  3. big.MF.mike

    First Grow: Close to harvest?

    I'm coming up on 10 weeks since flowering started and I'm wondering how much longer I have until they're ready to harvest. Also, can I remove the dead/dying leaves without causing any harm? This is my first grow and, as you can see, the journey got a little bumpy in the middle of flowering. I...
  4. Tolerance Break

    Week 8 of first grow

    Wrapping up my first grow. Got some fading going on with the white widow, I think shes about 1-2 weeks from harvest. Blueberry is probably closer to 3 weeks. I am kind of supprised the WW matured quicker since it shows more Sativa traits, but here we are. The purples coming out of the WW may not...
  5. K

    My first hydroponics grow (Custom Made RDWC)

    Hey Growmies! so I’ve been growing for all of a year now lol I’ve been posting here on and off throughout my first outdoor grow which resulted in a great yield! Finishing up my second outdoor now in a few weeks which went incredibly well and so much easier than the first. Now I’ve also...
  6. Tolerance Break

    Start of Week 5--First Grow Looking Good

    I have 1 White Widow and 2 Blueberry in rockwool. They are sharing the same ebb and flow tray, using Jacks 321 nutes, under 2 GLS 300 LED lights at about 70% strength. Watered 3 times a day, at 1 hour, 6 hours, and 11 hours into the 12/12 day cycle. Pool shock for sterility and added h2o2 in the...
  7. KrAzY Buds

    Here We Grow!

    Hey all you talented growers out there, I finally joined the party! My first official grow is just about wrapping up. I cared for some unknown bag seeds inside a 4x4x8, using a Marshydro TSW 2000. I laid off nutes completely until flowering, and then used the suggested feeding schedule for Fox...
  8. Tolerance Break

    Flipping to flower this weekend, how do they look?

    First grow, doing flood and drain with rockwool, jacks (clone for seedlings, RO for veg, bloom first 2 weeks of flower, 3-2-1 for the majority of flower, and finishing with finish) Going to cover the table with panda film and line the bottom with coco mat. Veg light is HLG 100 4k, going to...
  9. P

    First grow

    This is my first grow and just want a more experienced grower to tell me how they look. Started as clones from what I was told was gg#4 strain.
  10. P

    Can’t believe I made it this far on my first grow

    Dealt with a lot of bumps but this shit is so much fun. For my first grow I think I did pretty well. I wish I had more space but can’t do anything about that right now. Day 52 can’t wait to give these out to friends.
  11. C

    Top Dressing

    When top dressing your soil how long does it take the soil to breakdown and absorb the nutrients from the top dressing into the plant's roots? ( the ph is 6.4) Is there a rule of thumb for this, or does it depend on the plant itself?
  12. L

    What does everyone think?

    First time growing in 10 years. This is on my balcony. I have tied her down and just wondering what everyone thinks. This is a clone. I did not get to finish before due to circumstances.... Let me know what you think about it
  13. H

    First grow

    So i have never grown before and recently an opportunity came about for me to give it a shot so here’s what I’m thinking, 8 by 16 tent with 8 600w HLG 600r in Kings mix royal gold coco coir along with one of these nutrient lines(i haven’t decided yet) BioBizz, Athena(blended), or house and...
  14. 4

    My first marijuana grow. Questions, concerns, and updates

    This is my first grow and I just have a few questions and would really appreciate some feedback. I'm currently growing an autofem northern lights seed in a 5 gallon space bucket system I made. My first question being does the first picture look like it is starting to flower and if it is starting...
  15. A

    First Grow! Indoor RDWC Zkittlez

    Haven't grown since college years but with taxes these days I'm taking the plunge into the deep end with a rdwc setup. Here's a quick overview of what I have so far and what I'm planning. Any and all criticism and/or feedback is appreciated. Gorilla 2x4x7 4" AC Infinity exhausting out the...
  16. K

    My first grow EVER = Failed

    So here’s my first grow. I was super excited as I’ve never grown before. I ran into some struggles along the way with nutes and watering too much but got the hang of it after a little bit. Running these: ProMix BX + Perlite FloraTrio CaliMagic Thrive Diamond Nectar FloraNectar Recharge...
  17. K

    Are these male or female?

    Not sure if these are male or female Can anyone help? 1) This is one plant, didn’t want to jump the gun thinking it was male. 2) actually chopped this one thinking it was male. Worried I cut it too early now :(
  18. S

    First Time Grower, Hoping for the Best

    Hello there, I am a first time grower and I am trying my hand with some Lemon Haze seeds given to me by a friend. I germinated them by the paper towel method and planted them on April 26th. They sprouted and have been going strong (at least to my unexperienced eyes) ever since. I just wanted to...
  19. JCMT98

    First Ever Grow - Power Plant Auto By Dutch Passion

    Hey guys, New here and this is my first post so please take it easy on me :p Seed - Auto Power Plant freebie from Dutch Passion. Soil - Miracle Grow Slow Release (I removed as many of the slow release pellets manually when potting) This is all that was available at the time. I've heard many...