
  1. HighGradeNoTilliDie

    I keep killing my indoor plants!

    Hi guys im new here Nd to growing i think i should fill you in from the start. I love growing tomatos and potatoes and have grown over the last 5 years in a green house and a small bed outside. Two years ago after doing a small amount of research on youtube i decided to nessle a couple of...
  2. kushdaddy1980

    OH NO! Cookie grow

    One of my plants is dying! The roots are grown together with the 3 other plants in my DWC.What should i do? Cut early? Leave it? Rip it out? Im at Day 1 of week seven flower.
  3. Cobbyman12

    What’s wrong with my plant

    hey I have no clue what’s weong with my plant I don’t know if I’m under watering it or over watering it some help would be very appreciates
  4. J

    Help dying plants

    Week 5 of flowering and 2 of my girls are dying. All 4 plants received the same nuts and light. The two on the left where defoliate it during week four Of flowering and are fine, The two on the right were not defoliated and they are both dying. Wtf, the ph is good on them all. What happened...
  5. C

    Blue Dream 'Matic Dying Cant figure it out?!?

    So this blue dream auto from fastbuds is about a week and a half old, and its the only one out of 50 plants that is showing anything wrong with it. It doesn't appear to be nutrient burn as its on the sides of the leafs and on the new growth. It could be from overwatering possibly, but i'm not...

    Are we all greedy?

    So a friend of a friend is trying to help raise money for their baby's cancer treatment on gofundme. Part of me wants to help, but then I remember my bills, debts and the new phone I'm saving up for. So honestly, I probably won't give anything. But I accept that, because I know most people...
  7. Kage87


    Newbie here first time...having some problems and the ladies are looking unhappy to be alive and living with me despite all the love and care they get... Setup 18/6 light cycle 32in x 32in x 63in grow tent Promix hp growing medium 190 cfm ventech exhaust and carbon filter 900w viparspectra led...
  8. jimoffy

    What would affect only new growth to start dying?

    Ahhhhh WTF What does it mean if newer growth only is affected, leaves turning yellow from the outside in and crispy, and the newest little leaves coming out with yellow dry twisted tips?? Seems to have happened to my first plant, now looks like my plant next to it is starting to get the same...
  9. jimoffy

    (Pics) NEED urgent help. New growth dying

    I’m growing outdoors in Australia. Flowering is due to start in a week or 2, I have a plant in a 100Litre pot, coco and potting mix, with a little pear moss and perlite. Fed every second water like all my other plants (which are fine). Temperatures have been quite warm the last couple weeks...
  10. jimoffy

    What causes cupping dying new growth?

    Hey guys I’m having trouble with my plant outdoors. Grown in coco in a 100Litre pot. New growth last Sunday all of a sudden turned yellow and brown, curling and canoeing up, turning crusty and dying off. It’s happening to most of the new growth, worse in some places than others. It’s a very big...
  11. L

    Seedlings keep dying after transplant from rockwool

    I'm having problems with my seedlings dying after they sprout in rockwool cubes. I have had a few successful grows in my basement grow room (it's finished, clean, and dry), but I've been having some problems my last three attempts. I start my seeds in rockwool cubes dipped in pH 5.5 bottled...
  12. jimoffy

    Plants leafs turning yellow with spots!!?

    Hey guys got some plants growing outdoors in aus, in a park somewhere and I checked them today and last week, for some reason they have these yellow spots al over them, which seem to be killing the leafs..
  13. Newgrowjournal


    Hello this is my 4rth grow first time hydro. So this is my 5th week in and out of nowhere my grow has gone to shit. I don't know what has happened. I changed the res like Do every week and the next day plants stopped growing, started looking very sad and roots are turning yellow. This is...
  14. K


    Heys guys this is my first post to rollitup, and ive got a few questions. First off does anyone know wtf these black spots are that are forming on a few of my sugar leaves? They formed since yesterday over the last 24 hours. I check my trichs everyday bc my plants just about finished and id be...
  15. Newgrowjournal

    UNhealthy leaves

    My plant is 3 weeks old from sprouting temp:76 humidity:30 ph is from 6-7 the plant looks extremely healthy and is always attentive to the light. my best guess for the tips browning would be maybe the pot is to big and the soil is staying moist to long or using lemon to ph down, but would...
  16. sebi leo

    WEEK 10.Dont look ready.Leaves are getting YELLOW (pics)

    HI. I appreciate all the help from the kindest people here.you guys teach me ALOT. I almost Panic, I CANT screw up this grow.NO NO. My plants are in day 80 of flowering ,Some people say my plants are pure sativa ,thats why they are taking this long.I am ok with that,(kinda.no other choice) I...
  17. Alec420

    Alot of leaves curling up and dying on bottom, but top is healthy wtf

    leafs dying but don't know what or why its happening almost all leafs that are dying in my tent(these plants are not the only ones) are out of range of the 600 watt "penetration" which is 3 feet But i don't want to draw conclusions yet. Coco 2 gal feed GH Nova Flora, cal-mag, sometimes silica...
  18. T

    Is my plant dying??? can she be saved?

    My plant is about 3 weeks old, planted in miracle gro potting mix (I know, terrible). About 3 days ago I sprayed water on her and had this white film over it since, I thought that it could have been water spots but i've tried cleaning it with multiple methods (raw acv, warm water and q tips...
  19. M

    Whats goin wrong here?

    Got these two just finishing week 4 of flower and they look like they are getting nute burn but was also thinking my light was too intense causing light stress/heat stress. I gave them just water today aND was going to lower there fert intake and I brought my lights down to 50% hoping it helps...
  20. Dadopeboii

    Did I go past harvest? Root rot? Or what?

    I've been waiting for my buds to harden up and get bigger but now I'm starting to think I've went past the right time to harvest. I feel like they are becoming more leafy and less dense with time, is that normal if you wait too long? They are also having lots of problems; my plants seem to be...