UNhealthy leaves


Well-Known Member
My plant is 3 weeks old from sprouting temp:76 humidity:30 ph is from 6-7 the plant looks extremely healthy and is always attentive to the light. my best guess for the tips browning would be maybe the pot is to big and the soil is staying moist to long or using lemon to ph down, but would appreciate any other guesses thanks.


Well-Known Member
Lemon? as in citrus? wtf man? Why don't you just piss on them or use mountain dew? You have nute burn. Flush them asap.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Adding citrus juice will make your mix acidic very fast. Just give plain water & let your soil do the ph buffering for you. It's also possible that your mix is a bit too stout for this youngin but either way giving just plain water is the solution.


Well-Known Member
Nute burn? I haven't given them any nutes. No need to be so rude my man. Your mama loves you.
Didn't mean anything personal dude. That plant is getting too many nutrients for its age/size. The soil you have it in is too rich. I personally use a mix specific for seedlings. Cannabis doesn't need much food to thrive. Especially when they are babies. Less is more my friend. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Plant will be fine, a little tip burn is never too bad. As you can see the new growth at top is doing fine. Is that FFOF, is a little hot but in the end you don't need nutes for a about 3-4 weeks.