Zimbabwe has $217 in the bank. No, I didn't miss any zeros.

And when the righteous government kicked the white guys out by confiscating the land back the people starved...

And they lived happily... er... well, they died so... no ever after....

Tell me another fucking fairy tale!!

We benefit from cheap rare earths. That is fucking shameful. They are starving and China would probably pay them more for the resources. As soon as they find a way to get their product to a higher bidder there will be some reason to see Zimbabwe in the news involving the military of a NATO nation.
We benefit from cheap rare earths. That is fucking shameful. They are starving and China would probably pay them more for the resources. As soon as they find a way to get their product to a higher bidder there will be some reason to see Zimbabwe in the news involving the military of a NATO nation.

You really dont get it... For a seemingly intelligent poster the reality just passes you by...

It isnt about race or color. It is about nationalism. The government started confiscating assets. Once that starts happening in a country, anyone with common sense gets their assets the hell out of that country so they cannot be confiscated.

If you call capitalism slavery, what is a kid starving to death on the floor of a hut? Is that freedom?

What would you do if you were starving? What would you do if your kid was starving? I mean starving to death, not just munchies after a big bong hit. Can you imagine how bad it is if thousands of people are starving per day?

And you label us shameful while ignoring the government nationalism that caused the destruction, devastation and starvation.

Capitalism was not the problem. Paying people nothing for no economic activity will not improve the situation.

But thank god that all those dead people are *free* according to you... Yeah, that isnt shameful at all...
We benefit from cheap rare earths. That is fucking shameful. They are starving and China would probably pay them more for the resources. As soon as they find a way to get their product to a higher bidder there will be some reason to see Zimbabwe in the news involving the military of a NATO nation.

Not just rare earths, rare moons... And I agree 100% on the impending humanitarian intervention, just gotta galvanise public support and voilà - you got yourself a new resource pool to dip into...
You really dont get it... For a seemingly intelligent poster the reality just passes you by...

It isnt about race or color. It is about nationalism. The government started confiscating assets. Once that starts happening in a country, anyone with common sense gets their assets the hell out of that country so they cannot be confiscated.

If you call capitalism slavery, what is a kid starving to death on the floor of a hut? Is that freedom?

What would you do if you were starving? What would you do if your kid was starving? I mean starving to death, not just munchies after a big bong hit. Can you imagine how bad it is if thousands of people are starving per day?

And you label us shameful while ignoring the government nationalism that caused the destruction, devastation and starvation.

Capitalism was not the problem. Paying people nothing for no economic activity will not improve the situation.

But thank god that all those dead people are *free* according to you... Yeah, that isnt shameful at all...

So you're saying that we buy Zimbabwe's resources from the Zimbabwe gov't?

Are you sure about that?
According to the Mugabe government, Zimbabwe's economic difficulties are due to sanctions imposed by the "Western powers". The sanctions imposed by Britain, the US, and the EU have been designed to cripple the economy and the conditions of the Zimbabwean people in an attempt to overthrow President Mugabe's government. These countries on their side argue that the sanctions are targetted against Mugabe and his inner circle and some of the companies they own. Critics point to the so-called "Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001", signed by Bush, as an effort to undermine Zimbabwe's economy. Soon after the bill was signed, IMF cut off its resources to Zimbabwe. Financial institutions began withdrawing support for Zimbabwe. Terms of the sanctions made it such that all economic assistance would be structured in support of "democratisation, respect for human rights and the rule of law." The EU terminated its support for all projects in Zimbabwe. Because of the sanctions and US and EU foreign policy, none of Zimbabwe's debts have been cancelled as in other countries. Other observers also point out how the asset freezes by the EU on people or companies associated with Zimbabwe's Government have had significant economic and social costs to Zimbabwe. As of February 2004 Zimbabwe's foreign debt repayments ceased, resulting in compulsory suspension from the International Monetary Fund. This, and the United Nations World Food Programme stopping its food aid due to insufficient donations from the world community, has forced the government into borrowing from local sources.


So Bush signed the act in 01 stating no credit for Zimbabwe through the IMF until they clean up human rights. Then came sanctions from the US and EU. No money has gone into Zimbabwe since 2004 when they defaulted. Hyperinflation has been occurring from 2004-2009 and during this period Zimbabwe went from strongest economy in Africa to worst economy in the world.

Screw you NLXSK1, don't you EVER imply that your beloved GOP isn't responsible for everything wrong with the world.
I don't even believe the allegations that there was even really a human rights problem. Not coming from US media I don't; more kids were killed by US drones the day of the school massacre than by Adam Lanza and not a mention on the news.

Even if there was a human rights crisis, it doesn't justify crippling the economy with sanctions like that.
Good job turning Zimbabwe's economic crisis into a partisan jab though. That little touch at the end, "But thank god that all those dead people are *free* according to you... Yeah, that isnt shameful at all." Machiavelli would be proud. Pure ruthlessness is the philosophy of people like you.

I guess I had no idea what you were capable of.
According to the Mugabe government, Zimbabwe's economic difficulties are due to sanctions imposed by the "Western powers". The sanctions imposed by Britain, the US, and the EU have been designed to cripple the economy and the conditions of the Zimbabwean people in an attempt to overthrow President Mugabe's government. These countries on their side argue that the sanctions are targetted against Mugabe and his inner circle and some of the companies they own. Critics point to the so-called "Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001", signed by Bush, as an effort to undermine Zimbabwe's economy. Soon after the bill was signed, IMF cut off its resources to Zimbabwe. Financial institutions began withdrawing support for Zimbabwe. Terms of the sanctions made it such that all economic assistance would be structured in support of "democratisation, respect for human rights and the rule of law." The EU terminated its support for all projects in Zimbabwe. Because of the sanctions and US and EU foreign policy, none of Zimbabwe's debts have been cancelled as in other countries. Other observers also point out how the asset freezes by the EU on people or companies associated with Zimbabwe's Government have had significant economic and social costs to Zimbabwe. As of February 2004 Zimbabwe's foreign debt repayments ceased, resulting in compulsory suspension from the International Monetary Fund. This, and the United Nations World Food Programme stopping its food aid due to insufficient donations from the world community, has forced the government into borrowing from local sources.


So Bush signed the act in 01 stating no credit for Zimbabwe through the IMF until they clean up human rights. Then came sanctions from the US and EU. No money has gone into Zimbabwe since 2004 when they defaulted. Hyperinflation has been occurring from 2004-2009 and during this period Zimbabwe went from strongest economy in Africa to worst economy in the world.

Screw you NLXSK1, don't you EVER imply that your beloved GOP isn't responsible for everything wrong with the world.

So, it isnt the fault of Mugabe for committing murder, violence of his own people, it is simply because white people dont pay enough for rare earth minerals... Got it...

Fucking fairy tale....
So, it isnt the fault of Mugabe for committing murder, violence of his own people, it is simply because white people dont pay enough for rare earth minerals... Got it...

Fucking fairy tale....
Mugabe doesn't have to justify himself to you.

We've no idea what Zimbabwe are capable of.
We benefit from cheap rare earths. That is fucking shameful. They are starving and China would probably pay them more for the resources. As soon as they find a way to get their product to a higher bidder there will be some reason to see Zimbabwe in the news involving the military of a NATO nation.

Oh yeah, what China is doing in Africa is just soooooo goooooooood. ~

Zambian miners killed a Chinese supervisor and seriously wounded another on Saturday in a pay dispute at the Collum coal mine, labour minister Fackson Shamenda said on Sunday.
Chinese companies have invested more than $1bn in Zambia's copper industry, but animosity towards them is growing as Zambian workers accuse firms of abuses and underpaying.
Workers at Collum, 325km (200 miles) south of the capital, Lusaka, attacked Chinese bosses, demanding wage rises in line with those stipulated by the government last month.
In July, Zambia raised minimum wages to 522,000 kwacha (£70) for maids and household servants and to 1.1m kwacha for shop workers without unions.
"We are yet to establish the exact circumstances, but the report I have is that one Chinese was killed and another injured as the workers demanded the new minimum wage," said Shamenda.
Two years ago, Zambian police charged two Chinese supervisors at Collum with attempted murder following the shooting of 13 miners in a pay dispute.
China, which is hungry for resources, is investing heavily in Africa, a supplier of oil and raw materials such as copper and uranium, but critics have warned that its companies are importing their poor track record on workers' rights.
In July, China's President Hu Jintao offered $20bn in loans to African countries over the next three years, double the amount it pledged in 2009.
Oh yeah, what China is doing in Africa is just soooooo goooooooood. ~

Zambian miners killed a Chinese supervisor and seriously wounded another on Saturday in a pay dispute at the Collum coal mine, labour minister Fackson Shamenda said on Sunday.
Chinese companies have invested more than $1bn in Zambia's copper industry, but animosity towards them is growing as Zambian workers accuse firms of abuses and underpaying.
Workers at Collum, 325km (200 miles) south of the capital, Lusaka, attacked Chinese bosses, demanding wage rises in line with those stipulated by the government last month.
In July, Zambia raised minimum wages to 522,000 kwacha (£70) for maids and household servants and to 1.1m kwacha for shop workers without unions.
"We are yet to establish the exact circumstances, but the report I have is that one Chinese was killed and another injured as the workers demanded the new minimum wage," said Shamenda.
Two years ago, Zambian police charged two Chinese supervisors at Collum with attempted murder following the shooting of 13 miners in a pay dispute.
China, which is hungry for resources, is investing heavily in Africa, a supplier of oil and raw materials such as copper and uranium, but critics have warned that its companies are importing their poor track record on workers' rights.
In July, China's President Hu Jintao offered $20bn in loans to African countries over the next three years, double the amount it pledged in 2009.

You dont understand... It is only bad when American's supposedly exploit people, not other countries where it is expected...
..................................................screw you guys, im gunna build my own zimbabwe with farms, black jack n hookers :)
..................................................screw you guys, im gunna build my own zimbabwe with farms, black jack n hookers :)

I'll donate 5000 USD to this cause! (see: 2300% more cash than their current government has.)