Zimbabwe has $217 in the bank. No, I didn't miss any zeros.

LMAO. I just knew that when they kicked out the White farmers and the White engineers and professionasl this would happen. There are cash-strapped governments, and there are broke governments. And then there's Zimbabwe, which, after paying last week's government salaries, has just $217 in the bank. No, we didn't forget any zeroes to the end of that figure. Zimbabwe, the country that's home to some of the world's largest plutonium and diamond reserves, is literally as rich as a 14-year-old girl after a really good birthday party. The country's finance minister admitted as much in a press conference on Tuesday. "Last week when we paid civil servants there was $217
in government coffers," Tendai Biti told reporters. "The government finances are in paralysis state at the present moment. We are failing to meet our targets."​
We're 16 trillion in debt. They are better money managers than we are.​
You're all acting as this is the first time this has been witnessed... I understand the anger but fuck, this is the way of the world, especially in AFRICOM.

Humanitarian intervention or whatever you want to call it, Perkins did a great job documenting it in "Confession of an economic hitman".

But as you can see its working out really well now for Zimbabwe... So how long before the whites come back to kick the blacks out? If both side keep going through the process again and again, whats going to change?
Don't worry, they'll be in debt as soon as they take a loan from the IMF, then when they default on it, our corporations will come in and exploit the resources. If they rise up against this by electing someone who protects their interests, we'll send in the CIA to depose because WE FUCKING HATE DEMOCRACY! That's how we roll. That is how we have been doing it in Latin America for over a century.

You didn't address your race points that you emphasized in your OP, still. Redistribution is taking land from one group and giving it to others, so that happened. You have yet to address the fact that Europeans have treated Africans like second class citizens well into the 90's, and the long term repercussions of those actions. Not saying Mugabe is the best choice of "elected" leaders here, but you reap what you sow.
It would appear the new Black farmers aren't reaping much.
That's exactly what happened
The whites didnt get paid
and the natives started moving into the land they were promised
The goverment did nothing to stop them until the offered the whites some shitty land in trade because they had no money.

Long story short
The colonials got the boot.
The natives didnt know how to farm.

Makes no difference though
The colonials didnt improve anything for the natives the whole time they were there

Apparently they managed to keep most of the population from starving.

I guess in your mind that was not an improvement. Who is a racist again?
Apparently they managed to keep most of the population from starving.

I guess in your mind that was not an improvement. Who is a racist again?

Hungry slaves are less productive. Wonder how many were starving before colonialism. Hint, they weren't starving at all.
The actuality is The white farmers were supposed to get paid They didnt The new farmers didnt have the skills to farm the land they got and the white farmers didnt have the skills to farm the land they got in trade less than 9% of Zimbabwe is arable meaning you can farm it. Before Mugabe. Only the whites farmed that land. Because years ago they killed off the natives that originally owned it. Yeah Zimbabwe is fucked up. But the whites didnt make it better for anyone but themselves to the exclusion of others on land they stole
You say they killed the original owners and stole their land. Any evidence at all of that or are you spewing racist hate speech?
That's exactly what happened The whites didnt get paid and the natives started moving into the land they were promised The goverment did nothing to stop them until the offered the whites some shitty land in trade because they had no money. Long story short The colonials got the boot. The natives didnt know how to farm. Makes no difference though The colonials didnt improve anything for the natives the whole time they were there
Not true. They fed them and employed them. The population grew greatly during that period. Now they're starving, again.
I actually spent a couple of months living with aboriginies in NT, hermansberg tribe about 40km NW of alice springs... Awesome experience escpecially being near pine gap..
But you still came back to civilization. We've all gone "camping", but no one wants to live that way.
You say they killed the original owners and stole their land. Any evidence at all of that or are you spewing racist hate speech?

Matabeleland North is a large province in western Zimbabwe with lowrainfall and poor soil fertility. Traditionally, indigenous Zimbabweans inthe region survived by a combination of agriculture and use of forestresources. Beginning with the invasion in 1890, British colonists alienatedthe indigenous people from much of the land. Rural blacks were largelyconfined to communal areas, while the remaining land was designated aswhite-owned commercial lands, demarcated or other forest lands andnational parks. These land and resource allocation arrangements were firstestablished under the Land Apportionment Act of 1930, and were furtheredby the Land Tenure Act of 1969 (Vudzijena, 1998). The forcedevictions in Matabeleland North have been described as “institutional violence,”and in some parts of the province the evictions were described as​
“exceptionally harsh even for Rhodesian standards” (Alexander
et al., 2000)