The big bang makes no suggestion of creation. If that's what you're getting out of it, you're sadly mistaken. The most likely scenario is that the universe in some form or another has always existed. Your argument is borderline retarded. Again, theories use facts, and laws, to tell us 'how' something happened. Do you go to the Dr? Ever had an X-ray? CT scan? Ever taken medicine like anti-biotics? Theories work because their supported by evidence. In the case of the Big Bang, MYRIAD FUCKING EVIDENCE. You literally said 'you're not webster' (LOL BTW), when we showed you countless articles from scientific publications that clearly differentiate between the laymen use of theory and the scientific usage of theory. Scientific theories work, if they didn't we wouldn't have power plants, medical imaging equipment, GPS satellites, NASA, modern biology, or a plethora of other things. We treat some scientific theories as fact. Some are more likely to be true than others. String theory is fringe, Big Bang theory, evolution, cell theory, etc., are not. I don't think you're reading the same thing we're posting.