Zero respect

The cosmic background radiation is literally a picture of the early universe
Light spots are where matter coalesced into stars and galaxies, dark spots are where there is no matter, interstellar space Do you think they just made this up or what?
I don't think it proves the big bang theory. Where is the point the universe supposedly originated from? Don't say the middle, unless you claim the Earth is the center of the universe
"The big bang is incredibly likely to have happened" tells me I have caused you to begin to doubt your religious convictions. But remember, a point is an imaginary construct that has no surface area and no volume. Literally, nothing. The Big Bang theory postulates the entire universe came from a point, not an area. I guess a good analogy is I may have converted you from a Catholic to a Protestant.
You have done nothing, other than shown you don't understand how the scientific method works and you can't distinguish between laymen terms and scientific terms.

I never found fault that the matter in universe may have been much more compact than it is now, but the theory that it all appeared all at once from a single point is just irrational to me.
Luckily, the reality of how the universe began doesn't depend upon your comprehension of it. PHEW! It's not irrational to the experts who study this on a day by day basis, and have an understanding of physics.

A lot of the data you cite predated the theory and is what prompted the theory. The data does not prove the theory. The theory is an attempt to explain the data. When and if new data is discovered that contradicts the theory, it will be abandoned, at least by most.

They postulated about bacground radiation before they knew it existed. They first came up with the big bang theory based on the red-shift, but there have been ample amounts of evidence collected since the Hubble constant.
Yet its still called a theory. Too bad you just can't quite grasp the meaning of the word. I guess your faith in your favorite brand of magic creationism has been renewed. I should have know better than to argue with a religious zealot.
Yet its still called a theory. Too bad you just can't quite grasp the meaning of the word. I guess your faith in your favorite brand of magic creationism has been renewed. I should have know better than to argue with a religious zealot.

So is Atomic theory, gravitational theory, cell theory, germ theory, and countless others. Just because it says theory doesn't mean it's less likely to be true. You depend on countless theories to 'be true' to perform various tasks throughout the day. You are the biggest type of moron, the one who denies the hand that feeds. You bask in scientific breakthroughs while condemning the methods in which they're provided to you, all the while being completely ignorant and scientifically illiterate.

You can't understand the difference between a scientific theory and the layman usage of the word; even when you're presented with multiple examples from well documented scientific resources.

You are moron incarnate.
I don't think it proves the big bang theory. Where is the point the universe supposedly originated from? Don't say the middle, unless you claim the Earth is the center of the universe

These concepts are beyond your ability to grasp them. You simply can't understand them, that's why you don't accept them, that's the hard truth. It's like you walked into an operating room full of surgeons without ever having taken a single anatomy class. You point out that we can stop the bleeding of the patient on the table by shaving his hand and giving him some water, everyone else says that's retarded and you don't know what you're talking about. That's pretty much what's happening here.

You're out of your league and the harder you try the funnier it gets!
So now all you got is name-calling. There is no gravitational theory. There is a law of gravity. That's what they call a theory when they believe it has been proven. You still think you get to redefine the meaning of words. Tomorrow I will go back to work building equipment used in the study of elemental physics while you go back to bussing tables or whatever it is you do.
These concepts are beyond your ability to grasp them. You simply can't understand them, that's why you don't accept them, that's the hard truth. It's like you walked into an operating room full of surgeons without ever having taken a single anatomy class. You point out that we can stop the bleeding of the patient on the table by shaving his hand and giving him some water, everyone else says that's retarded and you don't know what you're talking about. That's pretty much what's happening here. You're out of your league and the harder you try the funnier it gets!
It's funny you think you're smart. I guess that's why you aspire to reach that lofty goal of $900 a month.
So now all you got is name-calling. There is no gravitational theory. There is a law of gravity. That's what they call a theory when they believe it has been proven. You still think you get to redefine the meaning of words. Tomorrow I will go back to work building equipment used in the study of elemental physics while you go back to bussing tables or whatever it is you do.

What do you think the Theory of relativity is? It explains why things fall.... pick up a grade 9 science text book.

I might believe you clean the toilets in a factory that makes equipment for physics experiments.... but you seem to lack the cognitive capabilities to grasp simple concepts, so that might be a stretch.
So now all you got is name-calling. There is no gravitational theory. There is a law of gravity. That's what they call a theory when they believe it has been proven. You still think you get to redefine the meaning of words. Tomorrow I will go back to work building equipment used in the study of elemental physics while you go back to bussing tables or whatever it is you do.
Actually, gravity is both a law and a theory - It's strange that you wouldn't do a quick google search before making such an erroneous statement. As Heis pointed out, the LAW of gravity describes WHAT happens by careful observation, analysis and testing. Gravitational THEORY explains WHY this happens. Theory NEVER 'graduates' into a law, never. They are 2 ver distinct things. Since theories are made up of many facts, stating facts are superior to theories is like taking a bed sheet and saying that the individual threads that the sheet consists of are superior to the entire bed sheet. To state a theory can become a law is to say that the bed sheet can 'graduate' to an individual thread. WTF? To posit that shows a lack of even basic scientific knowledge. I've pointed out an error on your part as you stated clearly above, 'There is no gravitational theory. There is a law of gravity. That's what they call a theory when they believe it has been proven'. You were clearly wrong. Lets' see if you have any integrity and are able to admit an error, or if you attempt to deflect, deny or rationalize your error. I know which my money's on, hope I'm wrong...
It's funny you think you're smart. I guess that's why you aspire to reach that lofty goal of $900 a month.

It's funny you think you're smart! It's already been demonstrated you're wrong about every scientific topic that comes up, but you'll keep providing the entertainment :D
What do you think the Theory of relativity is? It explains why things fall.... pick up a grade 9 science text book. I might believe you clean the toilets in a factory that makes equipment for physics experiments.... but you seem to lack the cognitive capabilities to grasp simple concepts, so that might be a stretch.
I make twice what you do in a month every week. Lets not pretend you are even close to licking my boots.
Actually, gravity is both a law and a theory - It's strange that you wouldn't do a quick google search before making such an erroneous statement. As Heis pointed out, the LAW of gravity describes WHAT happens by careful observation, analysis and testing. Gravitational THEORY explains WHY this happens. Theory NEVER 'graduates' into a law, never. They are 2 ver distinct things. Since theories are made up of many facts, stating facts are superior to theories is like taking a bed sheet and saying that the individual threads that the sheet consists of are superior to the entire bed sheet. To state a theory can become a law is to say that the bed sheet can 'graduate' to an individual thread. WTF? To posit that shows a lack of even basic scientific knowledge. I've pointed out an error on your part as you stated clearly above, 'There is no gravitational theory. There is a law of gravity. That's what they call a theory when they believe it has been proven'. You were clearly wrong. Lets' see if you have any integrity and are able to admit an error, or if you attempt to deflect, deny or rationalize your error. I know which my money's on, hope I'm wrong...
So you want to argue semantics? Theories are not made up of facts. Theories are an attempt to explain facts. If you want to worship your "point" god, go right ahead. In the beginning, a tiny point too small to measure created the Heavens and the Earth. See, I support your right to worship in your own way, I wrote the first line of your holy script. Do I get to be a saint now?
It's funny you think you're smart! It's already been demonstrated you're wrong about every scientific topic that comes up, but you'll keep providing the entertainment :D
It's been demonstrated you think I'm wrong. But then again you appear to be making less than a full-time minimum wage job would pay. That's a pretty good indicator of what your opinion is worth.
I make twice what you do in a month every week. Lets not pretend you are even close to licking my boots.

Hahahaha!!! Nothing worthwhile to say so you have to pretend to be a big shot in some other facet of your life. You are pathetic!

You can't grasp extremely simple concepts, and you want us to believe you're some big wig? Furthermore, anyone can make huge money with no high school education working on an oil rig. What does that have to do with ones ability to grasp a complicated concept or their intelligence?

Pick up your toys and go home. You're not very good at this.
It's been demonstrated you think I'm wrong. But then again you appear to be making less than a full-time minimum wage job would pay. That's a pretty good indicator of what your opinion is worth.

Me, everyone in this thread, every scientist on Earth, pretty much anyone who can tie their shoe..

Have you ever even taken an integrated science course? A basic biology course? Basic cosmology or astronomy course? Do you just repeat the science you hear from right wing sources?
Theories are not made up of facts.

Facts are observations that are repeatedly confirmed. Even then, a scientific fact is NEVER CERTAIN. Theories are built on facts and laws, and are again, repeatedly tested.

I support your right to be an idiot, but I also support my own right to call you an idiot in whichever fashion I deem necessary.
I make twice what you do in a month every week. Lets not pretend you are even close to licking my boots.

Look at this little man trying to pull out his wallet and act like it means anything here

You make money, so your opinion must be worth more or more correct?
Me, everyone in this thread, every scientist on Earth, pretty much anyone who can tie their shoe.. Have you ever even taken an integrated science course? A basic biology course? Basic cosmology or astronomy course? Do you just repeat the science you hear from right wing sources?
Well, you and the other clown. You can't speak for any scientists at all. They sure don't speak to you. When they talk to me, and they do talk to me, they are always wanting me to make something for them. Fortunately for me, I can only work on DOE projects. An integrated science course sounds like general science with a fancy name. Required at my high school. Biology, check. Astronomy, nope. Majored in math, sciences, and social studies. Took college level math in high school for two credit hours transferable to any college. All while working part-time, nights and weekends. Had to work to help out the family so never could go to college. But I know the definition of "theory", more than you can say.
Look at this little man trying to pull out his wallet and act like it means anything here You make money, so your opinion must be worth more or more correct?
No, "I" am worth more. You may not like it, but money is how the world keeps score. You think anything means anything here? You are all people I will never meet. Your opinions mean nothing here. Lets be honest, YOUR opinions mean nothing anywhere. But enough of this, I have a job to go to tomorrow. Do you?
Rush Limbaugh used to say this and it's true.
You are what you are worth.
