ummmm... the Sound part was impassioned masses shouting Heil Hitler and the screams of jewish people in their special showers... and the glockenspiel.
i for one find all socilaism (including the internationalist ones, the anarcho-flavoured ones and the ones based on Iron Ricebowls) to be distateful, wasteful and based on a flawed, almost religious faith in the teachings of marx. with the fun communist bits at the end chopped off.
socialism is all the sweet talking , schmoozing, wining, dining, and seduction, followed by all the effort, sweating grunting and exhaustion of a good one night stand, but you dont get to cum.
its 60 years of foreplay and blueballs before the bitch packs up her sexy ass and goes back to wilmington to live with her lesbian life partner.
and you get left with your dick in your hand.
oh yeah, and she had no less than 6 orgasms and tore my best sheets to ribbons, and im pretty sure she drank my last beer too.
and she bit me a couple times. hard.
but im ok with that.