Ursus marijanus
One of my favorite quips (and to my knowledge, an original) is "Great minds think alike ... and so do ours!!" cn
For me ... there are three options in how to treat anothers belief.
Respect, Disrespect, and Indifference.
I tend to feel indifference towards others belief. Why should I care what people believe? I'm more interested in what I'm having for dinner.
Because their beliefs affect you. Do you care if creationism is taught side by side with evolution? Or if evolution is thrown out of the classroom all together? Some people believe it should. A lot of people actually.
Belief's don't affect me, actions do.
Beliefs are principals of action.
It's that kind of thinking that gets people absolutely nowhere. Maybe you should look at the evolution of technology before you decide to dismiss space travel and how long it's going to take before we can reach new areas of space. There are senior citizens shitting their pants everyday at the things that we can do now.
Belief's don't affect me, actions do.
regarding creationism, I don't mind if creationism is taught, as long as its not taught as fact but as a 'belief' system.
I'm not a Muslim or Buddhist but have studied the faiths with genuine interest.
Why don't you mind? I think it's outrageous we would teach that to impressionable young people. Let's stick to real facts only and not bullshit beliefs.
not necessarily.
They could be principals of in-action. and more often are.
i.e .. I don't believe in murder, so I don't do it.
LOL ... If 'in-action' is a word.
Without the hyphen (inaction) it's definitely a word. cn
not necessarily.
They could be principals of in-action. and more often are.
i.e .. I don't believe in murder, so I don't do it.
LOL ... If 'in-action' is a word.
They said something similar to Copernicus.
Yeah, I know. ... I'm a real heavy smoker and when stoned I temporarily forget my shit.
Which paradoxically is one of the reasons I smoke so muchlol
not necessarily.
They could be principals of in-action. and more often are.
i.e .. I don't believe in murder, so I don't do it.
LOL ... If 'in-action' is a word.
There is a fundamental difference between a new theory backed with observation and evidence, and a fairy tale. I have absolutely no problem with new theories being introduced and taught in schools, but I must insist they have evidence backing them.
in the grand scheme of things, the evolution of technology has got us nowhere closer to understanding anything, apart from letting us know that we know fuck all
They said something similar to Copernicus.
Who are you to insist anything?
You're 'insistence' on what should or should not be taught IMO puts you into the same realm as some rather unsavory characters.
btw ... fairy tales are taught to young minds and I don't care.