your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

Relevent Jurisprudence


R. v. Harrison (2009)


R. v. Plant*


R. v. Wiley


R. v. Grant


R. v. Kokesch,*1990 CanLII 55 (S.C.C.)


Search Warrants Considered Website


Application to Quash search warrant and exclude evidence. Ontario Court of Justice. You will need to build your own Applicants Factum based on the information in your disclosure.

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Very nice.... The doc is right people protect yourself!!!!! Until legalization of cannabis ...this will be an ongoing issuse... Due to the fact that people in power are obliviously ignorant to research...and want to suppress the people but the government screwed up they gave us the right to use cannabis so if we fight we can beat them... This is exactly how prohibition on alcohol was lifted.. Peace

grow strong
Hellth Kanada is not commenting on anything right now..still recovering from the kick in the nuts by patients across the corporation..I wonder what kind of scheme there cooking up now?
Right on G-Rock Legalize It! Bob said it the best!! Its the tree of life and the healing of the Nations it has to be done!! Its in the very best interest of the public for public health and safety!! No Organized crime No violence over a plant!!..No Black Market! No Gangs!?
I know people are working on it, but can someone keep me posted about address changes? my aunt wants to move her mmar grow to my place because I work from home and she would feel safer with it hear due to the letter she received in Nov, she feels compromised. Plus I have tons of space she does not.
Im all over that like white on rice torontomeds..ill be in federal court in toronto very soon for judicial review..I have 5 cancer patients that have no choice but to change address..and so do I due to that letter..Ive contacted John Conroy three times already..ill call Paul Lewin tmro. Might try to call Kirk Tousaw as well. Keep you posted TO-meds
Thanks Doc for this great knowledge your passing on. Fabulous of you to take your time to do this.

For us not so legal minds it's pretty tough to follow though. If you could explain in some simpler terms it would be easier for me and I'm sure a few others.
The legal terms spin my head and keeping it all straight is hard.

But oh so Thank You !!
I havnt used to many legal terms its only english :$ If you have questions I can answer but inm not sure what you want me to explain. Ask away if your not clear on something I said and ill try my best to answer! :)
Well I guess some of my first Q's would be.

1 Are you suggesting that a permanent lifetime exemption could be had ?

2 Are the present laws over ruled by previous cases ?

3 Do you personally go to court for others to fight these cases or just your own ?

4 Should we all be going for these permanent exemptions ?

Just confused at what your over all suggesting.
The doc is right on all points .... Hey hippy legal bs is there just to make everything more confusing and the doc can please correct me If I am wrong or I have misunderstud anything... So here goes

#1 yes a lifetime exemption is most likely due to the fact that people's rights are being violated what that means for everyone is... If John conroy wins in Supreme Court everyone would more than likely be grandfathered in. Do to the fact that health is health and the date of the diagnoses does not matter to the court or the charter of rights and freedoms... it is the fact that you were diagnosed as a patient not the date of diagnoses of course we have to wait for the Supreme Court for that.

#2 you would have to be more specific?... But yes this issue has been to court before and the patients won... Not with as much controversy though meaning LP and mmpr system for profit

#4 yes we should all be fighting for these permanent exemptions.. Please if you have a chance check out any info addedI have on is to benifiet the cannabis lover in everyone. Peace grow strong
#3 I been to court for many other ppls cases that have been charge..and I got their charges dropped with 100% success. im not a lawyer I educate ppl on how to fight for their rights and provide my knowledge and personal experiences. Basically I was charged in 06 before I was exempt..I got all my cannabis back charges withdrawn..Then I starting educating others on how to fight. My court consults are 1500.00 for the year. If you ask a lawyer to run a judicial review it will be min of 25k..if im successful..ill use my JR as a template to educate others..If your terminal or if your on disability my services are free of charge. Cards and Court assistance. I also set up grow opps as im also a Master grower with over 30 years experience.
#1 If Parker couldnt be deprived then niether can we. When the exemption is flawed then so is the cdsa. Bad Exemption No Offence. If they cant convict us/me then protect my Rights!!
If I cant be convicted and both MMAR/MMPR are unconstitutional and cause me mental and physical anguish and violates my s7 Charter Rights...Thats why im asking for a permanant s56 for life from s4 possession s.7 cultivation for medical purposes.