your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

Well said well said..... On that note health Canada might want to do a little research on all the uses there are these days for medical canabis..... To me it is kinda a scary that these are the same people that are triing to cure cancer but looking right by a plant that deserves research not biased opions.... News for ya HC and steph hitler opions are like you assholes everyone has one
I just left a msg for JC..I asked if be in could have the judges decision clairified on there issue's. .

My dg shut down and dont want to grow for me anymore and i want to grow my own?

Hc sent a unregistered letter to my grow opp violating my privacy and i want to change my grow location?

I want to revoke my dg and grow my own?

I want to be able to travel and my limit exceeds the possession limit set out by this order?

How could the Judge impose a limit of the mmpr when that program is unconstitutional
I could bring up so much more even for patient to still have a right to choose what program the belong to..these issues were delt with already in parker hitzig J.P Sfetkopoulos Beren..Mernaug and smith...Ill be bringing up as much as I can in my Judicial Review in next 30 days in Toronto.
You go doc.... Kick some ass and take names..... That's what we need is more patients willing to stand up to the corporate corrupt HC hitler and LP's.... The illusion of democracy in this country right know is redickuls right now!!!! Oh by the way Harper you put the DICK in redickuls lol
I just left a msg for JC..I asked if be in could have the judges decision clairified on there issue's. .

My dg shut down and dont want to grow for me anymore and i want to grow my own?

Hc sent a unregistered letter to my grow opp violating my privacy and i want to change my grow location?

I want to revoke my dg and grow my own?

I want to be able to travel and my limit exceeds the possession limit set out by this order?

How could the Judge impose a limit of the mmpr when that program is unconstitutional

I want to grow inside AND outside instead of only in....
Really Raider don't waste everyone's time please.With your useless banter lol if you have any factual evidence for your cause please please let me know.... Peace
This is great news, but what do I do now that I sent my 'pink' form away to a Licensed producer?? I would much rather continuing to grow my own but I needed to make sure I was going to get my marijuana and wanted to stay within the rules/laws. But now what?? there must be other people that are in the same boat?

I would ask to have it returned and if they don't then don't worry about it. It's in a file somewhere within the gov.
You and the LP's on a patients site..... never mind have fun at 6 year old birthday this to follow suit with your last wonderfully insightful remark

Sorry raider I have no idea your situation... Me as a patient saved my LP investment and now I am spending that money on legal issues to make it so that every patient young, old, rich, poor, can access there meds so any one in this boat please feel free to speak your mind cause that's what this web page is all about is it not???? FREEDOM

You and the LP's on a patients site..... never mind have fun at 6 year old birthday this to follow suit with your last wonderfully insightful remark


like is this even directed towards me still?? what does this even mean??
Sorry raider I have no idea your situation... Me as a patient saved my LP investment and now I am spending that money on legal issues to make it so that every patient young, old, rich, poor, can access there meds so any one in this boat please feel free to speak your mind cause that's what this web page is all about is it not???? FREEDOM


I honestly have no issues with your opinions and would even take it as far as to say I respect them as well(the ones that make some sort of sense that is), my issue with you is more related to how you present yourself which lacks any kind of intelligence or maturity. I would encourage anybody to read this guys posts if anyone is wondering what I'm talking about...warning though, you'll wish you hadn't.
I honestly have no issues with your opinions and would even take it as far as to say I respect them as well(the ones that make some sort I sense that is), my issue with you is more related to how you present yourself which lacks any kind of intelligence or maturity. I would encourage anybody to read this guys posts if anyone is wondering what I'm talking about...warning though, you'll wish you hadn't.

I suspect we got a 14yr old on our hands....GrowRock...Goto your room!!!
I suspect we got a 14yr old on our hands....GrowRock...Goto your room!!!

completely agree, has to be...i hope. Endless amounts of cringe worthy posts that make no sense at all and do sound like they were indeed posted by a 14yr old. I'm literally embarrassed for him when I read many of his posts.

GrowRock be honest how old are you?
John Conroy should be calling me after lunch and I will make him aware how unclear this judges order is and if he can have things clairified.
Case*Law Facts*

On July 31, 2000 in R.v. Parker the Ontario Court of Appeal declared the marihuana prohibitions invalid, and suspended the declaration of invalidity for*one year. The prohibition*would become invalid on Aug. 01, 2001.

[11] Accordingly, I would uphold the trial judge’s decision to stay the charges against Parker and I would dismiss that part of the Crown’s appeal. However, I disagree with Sheppard J.’s remedy of reading in a medical use exemption into the legislation. I agree with the Crown that this is a matter for Parliament. Accordingly, I would declare the prohibition on the possession of marihuana in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to be of no force and effect. However, since this would leave a gap in the regulatory scheme until Parliament could amend the legislation to comply with the Charter, I would suspend the declaration of invalidity for a year. During this period, the marihuana law remains in full force and effect. Parker, however, cannot be deprived of his rights during this year and therefore he is entitled to a personal exemption from the possession offence under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act for possessing marihuana for his medical needs. Since the Narcotic Control Act has already been repealed by Parliament, there is no need to hold it unconstitutional. If necessary, I would have found that Parker was entitled to a personal exemption from the cultivation offence for his medical needs