Your Stories While High


Well-Known Member
Alright. We all have them. Stupid shit you've done or seen while high, doesn't even have to be that funny. So lets here what you've all experienced.

Not that funny but here ya go:

So this one time. I wanted to go to a few of my college classes high. I decided to give a few bowl hits before my math class and head over. After I smoke a bowl or 2 to myself I head of to class which takes 10 minutes to walk to... half way there it starts hitting me and it felt like i was walking on a conveyor belt and everyone was walking so quickly around me. Like fast motion. And before I knew it, I was sitting in my math class. And for some random reason he starts talking about binary code. You know. Everything in 1's and 0's. So I started thinking as a computer and how all the electric particles work and how the atoms of the electricity works in flipping over to complete functions and what not. Then he started up in talking on how and why the binary works. And that's when I started seeing everything in the room in the matrix code. Everything was running green and in the binary, top to bottom and I could read and understand it all

Another time. My friends and I were walking at night up to a building to meet up with someone. We were baked and listening to my ipod on speakers. And just as we approach the building all normal, the guitar hits and out of no where I jump into the air and land on the ground rocking the air guitar hard core. Apparently there was a window on the side of the door where someone was sitting on a ledge and was just looking out as we approached. Then saw this random air guitar and laughed so hard he nearly fell off the ledge thing.. And I didn't think I really did it, felt like a dream for a while. Until I finally realized it totally embarassed myself. Hahaha. Good times

So lets hear them!


Well-Known Member
i went to the "torture and dungeon museum" in amsterdam, tripping balls on shrooms once..........i dont recommend it.


Well-Known Member
So i am driving to see harold and kumar guantanamo bay. My buddy and I got there early and had smoked 2 bowls.. We were chopped, so we drove to the mcdonalds like a mile down the road. It was icy as hell outside. Well I am in the left turn lane and I make a left right when the light turned yellow. I happened to go slow through it (slower than usual) and I happened to completely clear the intersection slightly late right after it turned red. nothing bad at all. Well the red and blue lit up behind me.

Inside my car a had a quarter of super danks.
A grinder.
My buddy had an eighth
My shit was all in the drivers side door panel.

Well I lit up a ciggie right away, told him the truth (i didnt wanna spin out)

He didnt smell shit lmao and we drove off to mcdonalds and laughed our ass off at the movie


Well-Known Member
Lol.. Ok. So this one happened to me just 2 weeks ago.

So my friend and I come to my house while my mom's at work. And it was cold as shit and windy outside. Not good for smoking a bowl. So we go to my basement and were lighting up. Just as I finish a hit, I blow it out the window and see a car slowing down and looked like it was pulling into the driveway. It was only 3 and my mom usually never gets home till 430, 5. Well, not today. I grabbed my bowl, and threw it under the couch seat and ran around the basement with fabreeze spraying everywhere.

My mom comes downstairs and say's "whats going on!?" and were relaxing on the chairs playing playstation, trying to act relaxed. My mom comes and sits down on the couch right on top of my bowl. I hear my friend give a little gasp and hold back a chuckle. And she's talking to us, then my friend ditches me for the bathroom. She asks why it smells like smoke and the window's were open. I stupidly said it was hot in the room.. and then later said that he smoked a cig. She leaves the room as he comes back in. He starts to laugh and asks where I threw the weed. So I check under the couch.. not there. Checking everywhere, thinking I left it upstairs. Turns out, I left it on the table, standing straight up like a foot in front of my mom's face and she didn't even realize it.... Thank god. hahaha. Nearly had a heart attack that day