Well-Known Member
Ok. You have changed your initial position, but I will let it slide. Are there countires where religion is forced on you? Yes. Do you HAVE TO accept them? No. Is it best to keep those thoughts to yourself there? Yes.
BUT, you are attacking religious people here; in a pot forum. I have never seen you ask them, why they believe what they believe or the origin of their religion. Perhaps if they have seen Zeitgeist, and what are their thoughts on that!? Instead, all I have seen you do is demand that they prove god exists using scientific method. You seek these people out, here, in a pot forum. You start threads on the matter. NOBODY is pushing religion on YOU, here, in a pot forum. Do you really think anyone here, in a pot forum, is going to prove god using scientific method? So, why the fuck do you even care what they believe, when they are NOT "pushing" religion on YOU, here, in a pot forum?
If it bothers you so, why not go to Iran and argue your postition with them? Why not go show them the error in their ways?
You're like a virgin saying sex is overrated, because you have never experienced it. You have never experienced a ghost, or paranormal activity, so you insist it does not happen and demand its proof using scientific method. Do you honestly believe that EVERYTHING that we accept as real can be proven using scientific method? Do you not agree that there are things that are reality, that simply cannot be proven using scientific method? Are are you simply being "willfully ignorant"?
No, I've stayed pretty consistent with what I've said
Where have I "attacked a religious person"?
Apparently you miss a big part of what's said because I ask those sorts of questions all the time.
Pseudo scientific claims can't be proved or disproved using scientific methods which is why they are essentially useless to us. I've never "demanded" someone prove God.
I'm not sure why you feel this would be an exclusively online thing, I post my opinions and people respond, that's how it works.
Why would I go to another religious country only with even less freedom, what kind of sense would that make?
People who believe whatever they've experienced was a ghost haven't considered all the implications that entails, they've been preconditioned through society and have personal biases or agendas, or feel personally offended for even being questioned it might have been something else.
Everything that we currently define as real can be scientifically proven to whatever degree.
Pad, I recently sat next to someone as they died in that very moment. I felt something I don't think science can explain. Do you know that feeling I mean, have you ever had that experience? Do you have children Pad? Were you there when they were born? Pad, do you meditate daily? What do you feel when you come back through your consciouness? Have you ever seen something move while you were sitting in meditation? Like the wall seems to be moving in a way that it can't? Can you tell me why scientifically the wall seemed to move while I was sitting? I've answered your polls and contributed to your threads you should take the time to answer those questions for me please.
-have you ever sat next to someone as they died? No
You felt "something", that means you didn't know what it was, right?
I don't have kids
I don't meditate daily
I've seen things move, under the influence, totally sober, drifting off to sleep and wide awake, there's not enough evidence to conclude anything other than the default position, something didn't move and it was a glitch in the information sent from my eye to my brain, we know that happens, and as far as we know, inanimate objects don't move unless something moves them first
They seem to move because your brain didn't get the necessary amount or set of data provided by your 5 senses, and you perceived it in whatever way you did to make you think the walls were moving
Pad, is altruism just a concept like God? Or do you think it really can exist?
I'm not sure if I believe altruism exists