Your first high!!


Well-Known Member
i was 16, my mate asked me if i wanted to smoke some of his dads grow, it was out of a pipe, i had about 7 bowls n felt nothing, then this 3d cube came out of nowhere n hit me (ill never forget it) after it hit me i was hiiiiiiiiiigh lol, after i had tripped out for abit i laughed for a looooong time lol


Well-Known Member
My first high was when I was 15. I had been wanting to try weed for a while. I was curious about what it was like. I had heard people say it was a life altering experience. I didn't buy into the anti-marijuana stance, as I had heard plenty of stories from both sides of the field. I decided that I wouldn't pass judgment until I had experienced it myself. I got in contact with my friend, who had started smoking about a month before I did. He said he had a good pipe and some nice dank weed, "Purple haze" strain. I decided to look up purple haze, and found out that it wasn't really a true strain. I was kind of skeptical, afraid it would be no more potent than mexican lawn clippings, but decided to go on anyway. We met in the riverbed near my house and got settled in. I had gotten two Big Fat tacos from Del Taco right before, and had one left. He brought out the weed, and showed it to me. I liked the smell right from the start. It was like nothing I had ever smelled before. It was otherworldly. He packed a bowl and took the first hit. He had warned me beforehand that I might not get high this time, as it was my first time ever smoking. He handed the pipe and lighter off to me and told me how to take a hit. My first hit wasn't bad. I actually got a pretty good lungful of smoke. I held it for as long as I could, exhaled, and then coughed until my lungs almost flew out my mouth. We traded off hits with the pipe for a minute, and I managed to refine my technique some. About 15 seconds after the last hit, the high slammed into me like a freight train. It was unreal. I had never felt this way before. My body felt like it was different. Way different. Almost as if it was detached from my head. After a few minutes, we split the other taco. HOLY FUCK WAS THAT GOOD.
We stayed around and tripped and listened to some music. "I feel like dying" was the first song. I'm not a fan of lil' wayne's stuff, I'd prefer something by The Doors or maybe some Arthur Brown, but I still enjoyed the song. A bit later, we had a synchronized trip. That was bizarre. After about two and half hours, he went home, and I walked back home. Fuck that was a long walk. Then I went to sleep. The next day, I thought it over, and decided that I loved it. It wasn't what I expected, but it was cool. Since then, I've smoked with him a lot more. We've gone through hogsbreath and sour diesel to name a few, and each time is fucking awesome.

:peace: and :leaf:
great story man