Your first high!!


Active Member
First time I got high was at a friend's house in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. He lived on the infamous TPC at Sawgrass golf course (home of the Players Championship), and had a golf cart with a boom box in the back. We drove around till we found a pretty chill spot, he pulled out a 1/4 of dank Florida (I cant remember how much we smoked, it seemed like a lot at the time but was probably just 2-3 bizzles) and we blazed out listening to G.D.'s Shakedown Street. I was hooked...


Well-Known Member
i was 13. at a dance and smoke a fatty blunt with a couple of friends beforehand. first hit = addicted to life! ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh my god I smoked out of an apple a couple weeks ago. Got a little high... Took a bite into the "bowl" and BAM. One of my best highs ever!
HAHA...Nice...It was Probably all that scrumptious resin on your teeth that That gave you great high.....


Well-Known Member
i was around 16 or 17....we hotboxed my buddy car. 2 blunts, after 30 min i got home and my chest was on i thought i was dead....been blazing ever


Well-Known Member
lemme see if i can recall it all correctly lol. it hasn't been that long ago time-wise, only about 12 or 13 years ago, but i've done so many drugs since then, sometimes the only memories i have are flashbacks. i think it was when i was 18, and a friend of mine asked me if i wanted to get high, so i said sure. he pulled out a pinner, and i still have no idea if it was good or what, just some decent schwag i imagine. anyways, we smoked it, and we were driving around, and i wasn't really feeling anything. then he told me that he had the munchies, so we went to a local gas station to get a couple hot dogs and some chili-cheese nachos. i was probably feeling it by then, but i didn't really notice it until i was walking towards the back of the store, where they had some tables off to the side, carrying my tray of food, and then all of the sudden, i tripped on the edge of a tile on a "smooth" tile floor. don't ask me how i tripped, cuz i have no idea lol. the main thing about it tho, is that at the time, there were two sherrif deputies sitting there, drinking coffee, and i tripped right in front of them, barely able to not spill my grub all over the damn floor LOL. needless to say, i was freaking the hell out when i finally got sat down with my friend, and when i told him what happened, he was barely able to keep from busting out laughing until the deputies left the store.

now, as far as concerts go, mainly now it just depends on the venue, and where you're sitting at. my 1st concert, which was the Music as a Weapon tour with Disturbed and Drowning pool (with the original lead singer, not the sucky ass one they have now), i blazed up, and so was most everyone else. i remember when Drowning Pool was on the stage, when they would set off the strobe lights during the show, there was so much smoke in the air that you could barely see the band from 30 feet away. on the other hand, i've been at this other concert, where you couldn't even smoke cigarettes inside the building, you had to go outside to do it, and they had people patrolling the whole place, looking for people who were smoking. so i would say it's not so much that times have changed that much at concerts, as much as just the world has changed, and some places are really on the lookout for it.


Well-Known Member
i thought this might be a fun thread. i havent searched for a similar thread and it might be posted all ready but i havent seen it.

so when did your first smoke, how old were you? how was the high like? how much did you smoke?

Before I met my best friend in the whole world, Gina, I was one of those kids who won awards from D.A.R.E. I won an award based on an essay outlining the affects of drugs of a persons life. Placed second in my entire school. Ha! Anyway, after Gina and I were friends and in high school I smoked weed with her, because she was the wild one. We smoked some shitty ass weed ( i didn't get high) out of a home-made soda pop bong. It was.....different? I didn't feel shit, then after I had smoked a couple of times, it hit me, and hard. Have you ever laughed so hard because it tickles when you laugh? I have. I was like 15/16?


Well-Known Member
17, and I didn't feel high, First hit ever was out of a homemade Gatorade bong. I think I really started to feel high after my 4th time smoking.


Well-Known Member
i know i was in 7th grade on a ski trip with my cousin. we were sitting on the ski lift and he pulled out a joint. he asked me if i wanted to hit it and i said i don't smoke cigs and he said this isn't a cig. then he told me what it was so i took a few hits. i know i wasn't high, but afterwards we went into the lodge and i can remember being reallllllly thiristy.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
25 years ago I was in a park with some friends and I was supposed to fight this kid that was a lot bigger than me. A don't even know why we were going to fight but after throwing a few punches he decided he didn't want to fight anymore. I was rewarded for my bravery by being handed a joint. After the smell started to waif the other kid smelled it and by the end of the joint we were friends..... I was 13....


Well-Known Member
my first time, i was 11. my cousin and i had a friend sell us a joint for 5 bucks and we went back into the woods behind my cousins house. we smoked the joint, and i was stoned enough that i didnt want to walk back up to the house because i did NOT want to face my aunt!

my greatest concert experiece was tom petty and the heartbreakers in 2006, with a surprise appearance by stevie nix. as soon as we arrived on the lawn, everyone, and i mean EVERYONE was smoking pot. it was a dream come true. i smoked with an old retired army major and many other unlikely smokers. when the song "roll another joint" was about to be played, tom told everyone to get the joints out (literally, those were his words) and the whole crowd did so. by this time it was getting dark so you could see so many flickers of lighters in the crowd. it was one of the most beautiful sights ive seen! EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME! they are once again playing near me this coming june, and i am saving up plenty of money for that trip! i recommend everybody who enjoys tom petty to find a venue near you and experience this performance.


Well-Known Member
Not a Scientific study or anything .....but my hypothosis is that peopel dont know to inhale correclty and their lungs wont allow the hit to be shitty weed.....i no [eople who have gotten high their first time


Well-Known Member
I lived in a shitty area of Vancouver and when i was 5 the neighbour kids thought it would be funny to see me 5 for beccoming a chronic started when i was about 12.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I am sorry about being rude and all. It is just in my nature. But what the fuck does this thread have to do with growing weed? I have noticed a lot of Bullshit crap threads in the grow sections. If I wanted to read this stuff, I would cruise those sections.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry about being rude and all. It is just in my nature. But what the fuck does this thread have to do with growing weed? I have noticed a lot of Bullshit crap threads in the grow sections. If I wanted to read this stuff, I would cruise those sections.
lighten up, learn to have fun....

Also. The threads about your first high, not about the first time you smoked. First smoke stories would be super i smoked some, didn't feel anything, was pissed......the end

My first high i had smoked like 6 times before that and never felt anything. So i decided i needed to notch another smoke on the belt so i could get high with my buddies soon, i knew it was coming but didnt think it would happen that day. I smoked, and got hungry instantly. Ran upstairs to get some grub, and ended up starring at a paper plate in the drawer for a few minutes (seemed like a half hour). That's when i realized i was stoned. I started to get a bit nervous so i called by buddy up. He told me to put on some Hendrix and lay down. So i did...and it was wonderful.