Your first bong hit ?

I believe I was at a friend's house, whose parents were cool with a bunch of 14 and 15 year Olds getting high. It was a generic beaker bong with a little color, adding some character. I have no idea what happened immediately after that. All I know is I went from a badass, top of the line Home Depot and Gatorade bong, to a small zong, then too a 4 foot zong I loved dearly until the very day a friend of mine went to set it down on a kettle bell, by accident, and the bottom gave out...

That was my last bong. Been rolling joints almost exclusively for the last 9 years.
Oh man.. I remember it now. Was even more hardcore than my first huge dab years and years later. I coughed my lungs up for 10 minutes, and pretty much had an out of body like experience. I remember hallucinating vividly, and seeing various patterns of colors almost like a shroom trip. When I concentrated on one color, a different part of my body would react. I was literally stoned, and couldn't move for hours, or respond much to my friends. Not that I haven't been that high ever since, but it was my first real time getting my dick knocked in the dirt from a huge dank "graffix" bong rip as a young teenager. Middle school if I remember right. I built so many crazy bongs after that, lol.
I believe I was at a friend's house, whose parents were cool with a bunch of 14 and 15 year Olds getting high. It was a generic beaker bong with a little color, adding some character. I have no idea what happened immediately after that. All I know is I went from a badass, top of the line Home Depot and Gatorade bong, to a small zong, then too a 4 foot zong I loved dearly until the very day a friend of mine went to set it down on a kettle bell, by accident, and the bottom gave out...

That was my last bong. Been rolling joints almost exclusively for the last 9 years.
Good read lol,

So I was at few buddies house smoking tube rips out back I dunno what I had smoked at that time but I was have for real
Amnesia and was seeing vibrant lines I was so stoned. I was barfing after my first tube hit and the dude milked the bong so thick it was turning yellow and I couldn’t see straight and passed the f out. I wish I could get that same feeling lol
Oh man.. I remember it now. Was even more hardcore than my first huge dab years and years later. I coughed my lungs up for 10 minutes, and pretty much had an out of body like experience. I remember hallucinating vividly, and seeing various patterns of colors almost like a shroom trip. When I concentrated on one color, a different part of my body would react. I was literally stoned, and couldn't move for hours, or respond much to my friends. Not that I haven't been that high ever since, but it was my first real time getting my dick knocked in the dirt from a huge dank "graffix" bong rip as a young teenager. Middle school if I remember right. I built so many crazy bongs after that, lol.
Yes I was so bodylocked I don’t think I even made it to the couch was just laying and I wasn’t the only one. This shit was some dank right “when headies” hit the scene. Strain names like skywalker, Bruce banner, headband, New York diesel. I’m in Maryland and in 2010 these were popular strains around my way.
Good read lol,

So I was at few buddies house smoking tube rips out back I dunno what I had smoked at that time but I was have for real
Amnesia and was seeing vibrant lines I was so stoned. I was barfing after my first tube hit and the dude milked the bong so thick it was turning yellow and I couldn’t see straight and passed the f out. I wish I could get that same feeling lol
Lmao that reminds me, once I was smoking out some buddies as a young stoner, smoking my zong on the reg. I clear a whole bowl as a bit of a flex, and my buddy asks if he can try. I give him the OK on the exhale, and a few moments later, he's ripping away. I don't think anything of it and go back to playing video games. I look over after the hit and he's vomiting in an empty glass I had on the counter, right infront of his girlfriend and my best friend. It was hilarious

I'm 85% sure he tried to rob my house like 3 years later.

Long story short, don't do meth
Lmao that reminds me, once I was smoking out some buddies as a young stoner, smoking my zong on the reg. I clear a whole bowl as a bit of a flex, and my buddy asks if he can try. I give him the OK on the exhale, and a few moments later, he's ripping away. I don't think anything of it and go back to playing video games. I look over after the hit and he's vomiting in an empty glass I had on the counter, right infront of his girlfriend and my best friend. It was hilarious

I'm 85% sure he tried to rob my house like 3 years later.

Long story short, don't do meth

I got so many stories I actually enjoy posting them.

I’ve had the zobello (best glass ever) beaker tube 18 inch glass and I’ve seen it lay people out. On three separate occasions I’ve seen grown men pass out nosefirst. I had one sob doing “weed snow angels” in my floor. I am a felon for cannabis and sold it and I had apartments (trap) and was acting like a dispensary 8 years before my state became legal lol. I got hundreds of stories. As a matter a fact I filed a motion to reconsider with the judge and the 5. Year mark is coming up. All this I got character witnesses now recommendation letters, all this to get a felony of cannabis off my shit. SMH
I can't remember the first one. I remember hitting the bong quite a few times around 4 ish just chilling with the adults in the circle. They thought it was funny. I had quite a bit of drug exposure at a very young age. Not the best parents and a party girl mother who never grew tf up.
I'm sorry to hear that man.

I did some wild shit and never got caught, but the paranoia got me out of the lifestyle almost a decade ago.

Here's another story.

The guy who taught me to grow owned an old apartment building that was converted fully into a grow op. Without going into detail, it was a well oiled machine by the time I started working for him. The last time I watched the place for him, the last time I ever worked for him, I invited over my best bud, and after explaining this whole secret part of my life I had been hiding for years, we decided to make dabs! He had giant tube that could hold 2 or 3 OZs of ground up Herb, and I had all the larf you could ever dream of at my disposal.

First round, everything went smooth, I took my first dab hit out of my zong, and I was fucking zooted. It was a cold paralyzing sweat type high, and an hour later, despite having a shit ton of oil left, I wanted to make more. Now, at some point in that hour, one of the dogs farted, so we lit a candle and forgot all about it... so we load this big ass tube with Herb, attach the screen, and start pumping it full of butane.

About 30 seconds into this process, the butane leaves the end of the tube and finds the candle, and now my buddy is holding a glass flamethrower full of weed, which in retrospect is the coolest fucking thing I've ever seen, but in the moment, I was high as fuck watching my best friend holding a tube that was either going to explode or burn down a grow op, so I run to the only fire extinguisher I am aware of, on the 2nd floor.

He had no idea I was going to grab an extinguisher, he just saw me run away from him holding a glass flame stick, so he tossed it into the kitchen sink, turned the faucet on, and ran back into the living room.

The glass never exploded. The only damage was a scorch mark on an old table, and my buddy burned a small hole in his shirt, with a small 2nd degree burn on his belly.

I only set myself on fire one time making dabs after that, and I haven't touched the stuff since.
1980’s sometime. Really can’t remember, though I do remember learning to use the carb for the first time. I recall two primary manufacturers in the 80s, Graffix and US Bongs. Always preferred the graffix design with the retractable stem as opposed to the carb hole.
I made a bong out of a clear plastic tube that was made to go over the flourescent light tubes in mercury exclusion zones when the destroyer I was on was in drydock in Pearl Harbor in '77

It was about 20" long and I used it dry

called it the NAVRIPBONG