Your first bong hit ?

My bong rip capabilities were LEGENDARY in my day.

I was stationed in GA, and was hanging out with a guy who went to the 'hood to score a bag. I tagged along, and the "dealer" was like super proud of his ability to hit a 4-footer so he challenged everyone. I had to show that MFer what a kid from the Cali suburbs was capable of, the entire room paused NBA Jams & just stared at me in awe :lol:

This was not my first bong rodeo, but probably my most legendary tale.
My bong rip capabilities were LEGENDARY in my day.

I was stationed in GA, and was hanging out with a guy who went to the 'hood to score a bag. I tagged along, and the "dealer" was like super proud of his ability to hit a 4-footer so he challenged everyone. I had to show that MFer what a kid from the Cali suburbs was capable of, the entire room paused NBA Jams & just stared at me in awe :lol:

This was not my first bong rodeo, but probably my most legendary tale.
these are great !!!

When I get back home from walk-in the hounds imma type one up