you want to know why it is not legal.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
Marinol isn't actually made from cannabis at all.

It's a synthetic THC, made in a laboratory.
...where else would they extract THC from ??? im assuming they grow the plant and extract its properties..unless THC is in other plants/drugs/substances?? .. idk i could be wrong but where else would u get thc


Well-Known Member
To be honest I would rather the US keep it ILLEGAL, but instead just decriminalize its possession. As long as it is kept illegal it has much more profit built in, if it were legalized only the big ag companies ( Think big tobacco) would be able to make a profit with their scale of economy.


Well-Known Member
...where else would they extract THC from ??? im assuming they grow the plant and extract its properties..unless THC is in other plants/drugs/substances?? .. idk i could be wrong but where else would u get thc

Yep, you're wrong.

It's SYNTHETIC, meaning it is a man made form of THC. It is not made or extracted from cannabis, it is engineered in a laboratory.

How do they synthesize THC? Honestly, I couldn't tell you. Same way they synthesize opiates and other drugs. They figure out the chemical composition and then recreate it as accurately as possible.


Well-Known Member
well the reason its not legal is because big pharma like pfizer cant put it in pills and be the exclusive maker of it, they would much rather put you on ambien or paxil or any of the other drugs you cant really make at home, i mean if it was trully public safety they had in mind then i dont think there is another drug on earth with a track record as good as pot, i mean shit asprin kills thousands yet a kid can walk in and buy it so its proof positive that its money they are after not well being of the people

BINGO! Makes perfect sense - follow the money:!:
Ya know, Big tobacco has copywritten all the major brand names of pot, like Acapulco gold, Thai weed, Panama red, Columbian gold, etc. With all the new names of pot, white widow, ruderalis, etc., I think they will have to compete with the backroom grower. I definently can't see legalization in the near term. Most liberals would vote for it, but those cob up the ass conservatives would never let that pass.

Hey... im conservitave and i have my medical marijuana card. Just sayin


Well-Known Member
Nylon is the reason that cannabis is illegal. Dupont holds the patent for nylon. Dupont got the patent in 1937 or 1938. The cannabis tax stamp act was also signed in 1937. See the only rope fiber stronger than nylon is hemp. But you can not get a patent for hemp. So you make it illegal. With nylon's only competition out of the picture, Dupont can proceed to rake in millions for the rights of owning nylon. The royalties alone for permission to use the nylon formula for anything containing nylon, well billions would be an understatement.

It is also a known fact that during WW2 the US govt contracted several farmers to grow cannabis for the hemp to be used to make tents and other fabric needs for the wartime effort. Then after the war these farmers were told they could no longer grow cannabis.

Big pharma definitely benefited in the long run but nylon and Dupont are the main reason why Cannabis is illegal.
