You know you're a pothead when:


Well-Known Member
when it takes you 2 hours to realise your not gonna sleep unless you get out of bed and take a good few hits.....



puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, pa puff........pass:bigjoint:
that is so true.
you know your a pothead whn you stare at your plants for half an hour and keep coming back to them after every bowl:leaf:


Well-Known Member
When you wake up at 5a.m for no reason. Chill in bed n watch tv..go to the basement to finish off the white owl blunt i rolled up


Well-Known Member
when it smells like you stepped in shit but its just some resin stuck to your hand
Oh manLLLLLL Went into the grocery store and was wondering how big that dog was, and why didn't whoever step in it clean it off their shoes..then I noticed the looks I was getting...and left..Damn if that dog hadn't gotten into my car.

time to twist..brb


Active Member
You know your a pothead when you have a menstrual cycle of smoking that constists of toking up every few hours.


Well-Known Member
When you wake up at 4.30am every morning because thats when ure high wears off and you have to smoke some more bowls to get back to sleep, it sucks so much


Well-Known Member
when you see a movie then see the commercial for it a week later and say "damn i want to go see that it looks funny as shit" then your girl looks at you and says "we saw that last week"

true story haha


Well-Known Member
before you even wake up you have a girl in your room breaking up pot, then she wakes you to roll it for the wake and bake

you hear the word roach or roaches and you dont think bugs.

you name your piece and it is treated better than your girlfriend or whatever it is you have

you find weed you didnt even know was in your house then proceed to smoke it
you know.....when you love to smoke.


Well-Known Member
1) You talk to your dog.

2) You dream exxtravagant dreams while your awake.

3) You think you are invincible.

4) Your relaxed nothing can phase you.

5) When you go out drinking all night and your not done until you smoke a blunt.

6) When you begin drinking more after you smoke.

7) When you cant go to the movies or watch a movie at home without getting baked first.

8) Everyone wants to smoke weed with you.

9) You workout high.

10) You smoke before and after eating.

11) You smoke when you get bored.

12) You smoke when your mad.

13) You smoke while your already high.

14) You grow weed for personal use.

15) When you need weed so bad you call someone you havent talked to in a long time just to see if they still sell weed.

....I can go all night lol


Well-Known Member
When you lose your keys and spend 20 mintues looking for them to realized they're still in the front door.


Well-Known Member
When you cant eat or go anywhere without toking..

Sometime you don't even wanna wake upu if you dont have any bud waitng for


Well-Known Member
when you think some is talking to you when he is clearly talking to someone else

when youre in a taxi cab and think the fare is the time....hahaha.


when your eyes look tired all the time.

and take like 1/2 hour to type this!

smoked a pinner then a cross joint and finally a fatty thick like my pinkie....

damn im sooooooooo high im ready to go to sleep!