You know someones a rookie smoker when . . .

Yo homie you hook me up with some of that 420?

Sure, maybe you'd like some 421 too? Or maybe some 418. I hear 415 is the best. :-D :hump:

it was worse than that:shock:.... more like (use dave chappelle's white guy voice)... "Hey..... Do you know where i can get any... (speech volume dropped).... 420???".....

i lol'ed :)
I used to have a poster up in an abandoned house we used to hang out in... '600 street names for marijuana' and the best one was Macaroni and Cheese. We had a rule when we were chillin out there, that you had to look on the poster and use a different name every time you talked about it. We had rapping competitions using only words off of the poster... good times... younger days.

I remember seeing a poster like that. it was for DARE or something. my favorite terms were: "goof smoke" "giggle smoke" and "laughing grass"
when some one is hitting a bong and they never pull the slide out. Then they pass you the bong with a thunder cloud brewing inside of it.

and they will damn sure be called out for it and watched next round at the gogrow house:evil:
DAMN. Yeah. To many Hilarious rookies in high school. AND BEFORE THAT.

this little guy was alot of fun though, made many memories for us senior year..... his mom was running for state rep.... we found him drunk as shit at a party one night.... so we talked him into shaving his eyebrows..... and dropped him off naked in moms yard.... it was evil, but damn we all laugh to this day about it.... even him :)
When they don't know what a carb is. They can't seem to complete the simple task of breakin up bud and FULLY de-seeding it. Always say they got bomb ass shit, you see it and ends up being dirt. Always sayin stupid shit that always involves weed. Believes you when you tell them thier gonna OD lol
when you pack a bowl, and they hit it with aqua lungs, so you pull the slide out and they puke