you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania


New Member
Where can I get 13 dollars for this ID?
Right now my expenses are $22.00 per day
note, does not include 37.60 per day for meds that I haven't been able to purchased in 5 months.
I have not been able to work since Jan.
I have been living with a friend since Jan. who is very under standing and helps out whenever possible but nether of us have a car.
I'm about 40 miles from town so a taxi is out of the question, hitchhiking in a wheelchair is just too.... well you get it.
But willing to except a ride.
I was taught it was my duty to vote but for the life of me I cannot figure out why they make it so hard.
As a Boy Scout we would help elders and disabled to the poles.
Why are they throwing up hurdles in front elderly and disabled???
Why would they not consider me important enough to vote?
I paid my taxes when I was able to make money.
Seeing how I have been voting for 35 years, does that not count?
When did the land of the free become home of the slave?
Vote absentee ballot my friend, why all the stress, can you afford a stamp?


Well-Known Member
Ok Washington polled this question in July, can you believe 74% of Americans agree that we should required government issue photo ID for voting? 88% republicans, 76% independents and 60% of democrats! WOW weird huh? So I guess it safe to say we have a few of the 26% liberal nutjobs on this forum.
Hey It's a great Idea!
Let the Govt. pay for it.
If they had any sense they would have Issued them years ago with tax dollars collected from Dancing Horses!
Selfish, Greedy, little me, me, People.


Well-Known Member
There are people who do not have an extra 13 dollars. All this does is deny access to the poor. Just another way to discriminate
But nearly all of them already have an ID, I know lots of poor people and they all have ID. It may deny access to those without ID, but not to the poor.


Well-Known Member
Yet you have no problem keeping hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters from casting ballots in the interest of preventing a few cases of fraud.
You keep claiming "hundreds of thousands", but have yet to show evidence of these rather large numbers. If I claimed the number is closer to "two", you would be demanding I prove it. So I'm going to ask you to prove your numbers.


Well-Known Member
Voter Fraud in Wisconsin is Rampant In a study looking at all the convictions for voter fraud It amounted to .00023% of the vote In all 7 cases it was felons who had not completed their probation and parole Too bad the new Voter ID law wont prevent these 7 guys from voting if they so choose
The number of vote fraud convictions is not the number of fraudulent voters. Claiming it is is dishonest. Believing it is. is, well, retarded.


Well-Known Member
Ok, lets say we are in Afghanistan, your buddy (no, not even your buddy) is pinned down by sniper fire.

Your reaction:
1. Return fire and subdue the threat.
2. Toss him your gun.
3. Tell him he can get extra ammo at the quartermaster.

Letting a brother fall or not vote is just "unAmerican" and shows that YOUR Idea is just wrong. Not to mention grounds for Court-marshal.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
But nearly all of them already have an ID, I know lots of poor people and they all have ID. It may deny access to those without ID, but not to the poor.
You mean those poor who really arent poor and have the 13 dollars. I guess you have a different meaning of poor. Let me say it another way - you can vote as long as you pay - if you dont have the money you can't vote. And yes there really are people - like elderly, handicapped who are very poor and have no money at all. America is supposed to be for them too.


Well-Known Member
The number of vote fraud convictions is not the number of fraudulent voters. Claiming it is is dishonest. Believing it is. is, well, retarded.
You are a fucking retard
No seriously
No one can be this retarded
Ok i am wrong
You actually are this retarded


Well-Known Member
My grandma needs to show up in a texas court and petition to have her 90 year old birth certificate changed Alot of people dont even have birth certificates becuase they were born at home and a BC was never necessary I am sure a lot of things are a mystery to you Like racial harmony and and open mind
She's 90 and never had an ID. Not believable. She was never married, never rented or owned a home, never had a bank account, never driven a car, never been to a hospital, never had a baby, never went to school, never done any of the things everybody else does that require ID? Why would she have to get her birth certificate changed? She doesn't. She's had thirty years to do it if so inclined. We all know you're liar, we should believe you now? Implying I'm a racist and closed-minded is typical of you. Lame.


Well-Known Member
You are a fucking retard
No seriously
No one can be this retarded
Ok i am wrong
You actually are this retarded
Here is a perfect example of a weak mind responding to a point he can't counter. You forgot to post a funny jpeg or say Fox News... ooh ooh ooh, even better, call him a racist.


Well-Known Member
She's 90 and never had an ID. Not believable. She was never married, never rented or owned a home, never had a bank account, never driven a car, never been to a hospital, never had a baby, never went to school, never done any of the things everybody else does that require ID? Why would she have to get her birth certificate changed? She doesn't. She's had thirty years to do it if so inclined. We all know you're liar, we should believe you now? Implying I'm a racist and closed-minded is typical of you. Lame.
She has a ID
A expired drivers license that doesnt have a picture
A social security card that doesnt have a picture
a Medicare card that doesnt have a picture

She also has a bank account at a bank that she hasnt even been to since 1995 when my grandfather died

None of these things are valid for voting

you are racist because of the things you have said
be proud of being a racist
even though we all look down on you and your kind


Well-Known Member
She's 90 and never had an ID. Not believable. She was never married, never rented or owned a home, never had a bank account, never driven a car, never been to a hospital, never had a baby, never went to school, never done any of the things everybody else does that require ID? Why would she have to get her birth certificate changed? She doesn't. She's had thirty years to do it if so inclined. We all know you're liar, we should believe you now? Implying I'm a racist and closed-minded is typical of you. Lame.
Not even going to give her the benefit of doubt........


Well-Known Member
Theres no poor people, everyone has shit loads of cash to splurge with at the polls, despite the economy. Oh and everyone has plenty of photo ID too.
It aint a question of money
My grandmother isnt rich
It's a question of getting her birth certificate changed
Hers says she is a boy
Something her non english speaking parents overlooked 90 years ago in texas

In order for her to get one of those super ID cards she needs a valid birth certificate
No state is going to issue her a State ID since her birth certificate
1 lists her as a boy
2 list her maiden name

Think she should take the time and spend the money to fly from wisconsin to texas and petition the court to have her birth certificate changed so she can get an ID and vote this year?


Well-Known Member
This is your argument? That Republicans are guilty because Republicans are guilty? I lived in Florida and I saw plenty of vote fraud, all done at the hands of the Democrats. That is the reason I switched from Democrat to Republican.
this is about as LOL as you working with nobel prize winners.
