you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
There are people who do not have an extra 13 dollars. All this does is deny access to the poor. Just another way to discriminate


Well-Known Member
I all ready have my friend, Rep Turzai was correct, now that voter fraud will be reduced, Mitt Romney will probably win!
Do you recall that polls indicate that Obama has that state and the previous election fell on Obama? Your excuse for him doesn't wash Beenthere


Well-Known Member
in order to obtain the ID and thus be allowed to vote, you must first pay a sum of money to the government.

what would you call it when you have to pay a sum of money to the government in order to be able to vote?

when the SCOTUS ruled on the PPACA, you called having to pay a sum of money to the government a tax. :lol:

can't have it both ways, failbot.
SCOTUS also ruled 6-3 that requiring an ID to vote in not a burden in 2008, so tough shit. This "repeal" is a dead end train, so put on your big boy pants and suck it up. I am tired of you whining all over the forums pointing fingers and calling names. Its like explaining to a two year old why throwing a tantrum will not get you what you want.


Well-Known Member
No I do not, that is a poll tax.

But i do support a law that requires a voter to prove who they say they are, I don't want any voter to be disenfranchised by their vote being cancelled out by illegal votes!
Yet you have no problem keeping hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters from casting ballots in the interest of preventing a few cases of fraud.


Well-Known Member
SCOTUS also ruled 6-3 that requiring an ID to vote in not a burden in 2008, so tough shit. This "repeal" is a dead end train, so put on your big boy pants and suck it up. I am tired of you whining all over the forums pointing fingers and calling names. Its like explaining to a two year old why throwing a tantrum will not get you what you want.


Well-Known Member
Voter Fraud in Wisconsin is Rampant

In a study looking at all the convictions for voter fraud

It amounted to .00023% of the vote

In all 7 cases it was felons who had not completed their probation and parole

Too bad the new Voter ID law wont prevent these 7 guys from voting if they so choose


Well-Known Member
Yet you have no problem keeping hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters from casting ballots in the interest of preventing a few cases of fraud.
The only way for someone to prove they are a legitimate voter is with an ID verification, so your argument is moot.