You Have The "Religious Liberty" To Suck Baby Dicks

BuMP so everyone can see people trying to justify sucking baby dick.

That's the sorta thing the black helicopters should visit your house for and bring you straight to GITMO.


why so klanman, rat?

I received an invite. I accepted out of courtesy. I looked at the postings in the group, there were a handful and they bored me. It means nothing. A half dozen of your nutsack-hangers-on calling me racist also means nothing. You have nothing because there is nothing to have.
Circumcision is more than just a jewish ritual its a hygene issue carried over from old time days when kids didnt bathe daily , when boys are little their foreskin is attached & cant be pulled back to cleanse ,this is what doctors told us when our 3 sons were born & they damm near insisted we allow our sons to be disfigured , i told them if they cut my son i'd cut them & that was the end of that issue , non of my sons were mutilated & none have had infections or health issues due to smegma build up , its a pratice carried over from the middle ages that offers zero benifit to a man , it actually causes sexual disfunction by desensitization of the penis .
Wow , wtf is cock picks gonna prove ? Removing any body part out of outdated medical reasons is mutilation, foreskin is there for a reason & appearance isnt it .
you can answer, ya know.

does it look disfigured and mutilated?

Lets make thjs quick & just tell me exactly what your goal is , its cock & it looks like cock , all cocks look fuked to me because im not into cock , are you wanting me to say your cock looks awesome ?
Classification: Typical Retarded Skylard post.

What's your view on people sucking off babies?

haven't you ever pondered these questions during meditation? everything on this planet has typical male/female reproductive system with the exception of those that are hermaphrodite..everything has evolved from that one thing.

it blows my mind.

think about drugs too, everything is on this planet for us to survive..

as for the YT?..i didn't watch. screaming, crying in pain babies especially when you know why they are (crying) is would make me upset all day and then some.
Lets make thjs quick & just tell me exactly what your goal is , its cock & it looks like cock , all cocks look fuked to me because im not into cock , are you wanting me to say your cock looks awesome ?

i just want to know if you think that circumcised cock looks "disfigured" and "mutilated". since that's what you think circumcision is.
haven't you ever pondered these questions during meditation? everything on this planet has typical male/female reproductive system with the exception of those that are hermaphrodite..everything has evolved from that one thing.

it blows my mind.

think about drugs too, everything is on this planet for us to survive..

as for the YT?..i didn't watch. screaming, crying in pain babies especially when you know why they are (crying) is would make me upset all day and then some.
So sucking baby dick is ok as long as you don't have to watch it?

Wow, liberals please.
So sucking baby dick is ok as long as you don't have to watch it?

Wow, liberals please.

I know, right?

You'd think they would cover their ears, too.

Circumcision works great for no handed pissing, too. Guarantees no stream interference.
i just want to know if you think that circumcised cock looks "disfigured" and "mutilated". since that's what you think circumcision is.

Um what i " Think " circumcision is , are you kidding me its a cruel , highly painfull procedure that desensitizes the penis leaving it 4 x less sensitive & leaves the child in agony , you must approve of female circumcision as well if you approve of its use on males .

Is this what you allowed happen to your son ?

Human Sexuality: an Encyclopedia
edited by Vern L. Bullough and Bonnie Bullough
New York: Garland Pub., 1994.
p. 119-122.

Medical Procedure
Usually, the procedure for circumcision in America involves the baby being strapped spread-eagle to a plastic board, with his arms and legs immobilized by Velcro straps. A nurse scrubs his genitals with an antiseptic solution and places a surgical drape - with a hole in it to expose his penis - across his body. The doctor grasps the tip of the foreskin with one hemostat and inserts another hemostat between the foreskin and the glans. (In 96 percent of newborns, these two structures are attached to one another by a continuous layer of epithelium, which protects the sensitive glans from urine and feces in infancy and childhood.) The foreskin is then torn from the glans. The hemostat is used to crush an area of the foreskin lengthwise, which prevents bleeding when the doctor cuts through the tissue to enlarge the foreskin opening. This allows insertion of the circumcision instrument. The foreskin is crushed against this device circumferentially and amputated.

Anesthesia was not used to alleviate infant suffering until recently because it was believed that babies do not feel pain. Additionally, it was recognized that anesthesia was risky for the newborn, thus contributing to the medical reluctance to use it for painful procedures on infants, such as circumcision. Currently, some doctors use a dorsal penile nerve block to numb the penis during infant circumcision. While not always effective, this anesthesia may afford some pain relief during the surgery, although it offers no pain relief during the recovery period (which can last up to 14 days) when the baby urinates and defecates into the raw wound.

Thanks dad !

Give me one good reason why boys penisis need to be disfigured & permenantly damaged .
You progs are scientists. I know you are scientists because you guys have told me that over and over that you are scientists.

Do you scientists actually believe human males are born with extraneous, useless parts? Do you scientists believe that amputating a perfectly normal, healthy organ or human tissue is anything other than mindless superstition, and mutilation?

Buck posts pictures of mutilated dicks that he thinks are pretty. That just reflects his superstitious bias. Buck also supports female circumcision for the same reasons: it is an ancient cultural and religious practice and it makes their twats prettier. Besides, there are old men who enjoy mutilating the dicks of infants and then performing fellatio on them, because... religion.