You guys are dating Ron Paul.....

Why would we want to talk about Romney and Obama? Talking about Ron Paul sounds like a lot more fun.
Why do people assume that just because a particular person wins the nomination, that we all are just going to vote for him or Obama?

I'll write in my neighbor before I'll help put Mitt or Obama in office.
They aren't assuming you will vote for one or the other. They're assuming that the majority of voting Americans will vote for one or another, which tends to be the case.
Why do people assume that just because a particular person wins the nomination, that we all are just going to vote for him or Obama?

I'll write in my neighbor before I'll help put Mitt or Obama in office.

That's easy to say now. That's why I call it dating and not marrying. This happens every election. Fringe candidates have followers who swear it is their candidate or no-one. I remember so many dem women saying they would not vote for Obama because they felt he had cheated Hillary out of the nomination. But in the end 95% of them voted for him.

I understand and even applaud your passion. But at the end of the day, I'm betting that anyone who bothers to be on a politics board will not sit out an election, he will hold his nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.
because the only difference between romney and obama is that romney is all white, and obama is only half white.

romney wants to penetrate uterus's with patriarchal legislation. obama wants the right to snatch me off the street and throw me in a military gulag never to be heard from again.

to hell with them both.
That's easy to say now. That's why I call it dating and not marrying. This happens every election. Fringe candidates have followers who swear it is their candidate or no-one. I remember so many dem women saying they would not vote for Obama because they felt he had cheated Hillary out of the nomination. But in the end 95% of them voted for him.

I understand and even applaud your passion. But at the end of the day, I'm betting that anyone who bothers to be on a politics board will not sit out an election, he will hold his nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.

Who says they will "sit it out"?... and I'll take that bet.
Who says they will "sit it out"?... and I'll take that bet.

There will be only two names on the ballot that can win. So if you don't vote for one of them, you are sitting it out. You might think you are making a statement, and you may be. But in terms of electing the next president, you are sitting it out.
There will be only two names on the ballot that can win. So if you don't vote for one of them, you are sitting it out. You might think you are making a statement, and you may be. But in terms of electing the next president, you are sitting it out.

I believe that to be an incorrect statement. It is your opinion with an emotional twist but certainly not a true statement. I understand that you are frustrated, I would be too if I had invested my only vote for someone who has been such a miserable failure, however, you need to man up and grow a pair.
If one were to "sit out" the election process, one would not participate. I, however, have been participating and will continue to participate through the Nov election, just like I did in '08. (I voted neither McCain or Obama)
You advocate participation and support of a facade of a two-party system. There are no REAL differences between Republicans and Democrats anymore. Except for the few like Paul and Kucinich, they're all singing opposing tunes while harmonizing in private. Two sides of the same coin. Right and left wings of a single bird....

"kicked the bucket, taken a dirt nap, six feet under, passed on, gone to the choir invisible, bought the farm, if you hadn't nailed him to the perch, he'd have been pushing up the daisies."
I believe that to be an incorrect statement. It is your opinion with an emotional twist but certainly not a true statement. I understand that you are frustrated, I would be too if I had invested my only vote for someone who has been such a miserable failure, however, you need to man up and grow a pair.
If one were to "sit out" the election process, one would not participate. I, however, have been participating and will continue to participate through the Nov election, just like I did in '08. (I voted neither McCain or Obama)
You advocate participation and support of a facade of a two-party system. There are no REAL differences between Republicans and Democrats anymore. Except for the few like Paul and Kucinich, they're all singing opposing tunes while harmonizing in private. Two sides of the same coin. Right and left wings of a single bird....

"kicked the bucket, taken a dirt nap, six feet under, passed on, gone to the choir invisible, bought the farm, if you hadn't nailed him to the perch, he'd have been pushing up the daisies."

It is a non-refutable fact that as far as participating in the selection of the next president, you are sitting it out. If you don't vote for one of the two, you are having zero impact on this election. You might think your rebellion will help change the system in the future, but for this election you are sitting it out. Perhaps you will sit it out. But the vast majority of fence-sitters will topple one way or the other.
Do you actually trust romney or obama?do you beleive they speak the truth?have they led by example and not flip flopped back and forth?Look at ron pauls record in office,that old man has NEVER missed one vote in years,hes led by example.We will be attacking Iran before you know it if those other two have their way,let the world figure out their own problems for awhile while we take care of getting ourselves out of this mess they have got us into.Ron paul is doing it to make a difference,romney and obama are doing it to further their own agendas.
It is a non-refutable fact that as far as participating in the selection of the next president, you are sitting it out. If you don't vote for one of the two, you are having zero impact on this election. You might think your rebellion will help change the system in the future, but for this election you are sitting it out. Perhaps you will sit it out. But the vast majority of fence-sitters will topple one way or the other.
Thats exactly what they WANT you to beleive and do,vote for the lesser of two evils.What kind of assinine plan is that?VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE BRO and let other people vote theirs,thats how this country works.Doing what you advocate is how we got in the fucked up place were in now.Were losing our rights more and more everyday,we need a president that serves the people not a dictator that knows better than us.