You guys are dating Ron Paul.....

I would never vote for Obama or Romney in 2012 under any circumstance whatsoever.

yeah, i'm sure everyone was saying that in 2008 as well. how many votes did he get that time around?

oh, about 40,000. less votes than alan keyes. some revolution.
Thats exactly what they WANT you to beleive and do,vote for the lesser of two evils.What kind of assinine plan is that?VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE BRO and let other people vote theirs,thats how this country works.Doing what you advocate is how we got in the fucked up place were in now.Were losing our rights more and more everyday,we need a president that serves the people not a dictator that knows better than us.

If your conscience tells you to sit this election out, then by all means do so. But don't try to say it is anything other than sitting it out.