You Can't Afford A One-Bedroom Apartment On Minimum Wage

That's because you're partisan and will find any reason to blame problems on those you disagree with

No Pada.

I know first hand because I was told all through most of the 90's that we couldn't get anymore money for my seafood because they could buy it cheaper from Iceland or china or Taiwan.

So that is not partisan by a long ways. Markets have gotten better sense then but we are just now getting paid like we were in the eighties. just so you know.

You need to quite being so narrow minded with your politics because you sound just like your post. You blame the other guy for everything and I was pointing out a real life fuck up by a Clinton administration.
No Pada.

I know first hand because I was told all through most of the 90's that we couldn't get anymore money for my seafood because they could buy it cheaper from Iceland or china or Taiwan.

So that is not partisan by a long ways. Markets have gotten better sense then but we are just now getting paid like we were in the eighties. just so you know.

You need to quite being so narrow minded with your politics because you sound just like your post. You blame the other guy for everything and I was pointing out a real life fuck up by a Clinton administration.
NAFTA was written up during H.W.'s administration
bernie sanders has not been compromised and owes NO ONE!

I sincerely hope he stays that way and remains successful. He's also against negative campaigns which is truly refreshing in this day and age. Hope he stays true to this but most likely if he does, he loses. That's sad.

Not sad that he loses if it's based on policy differences, but sad if he loses because he refuses to play the game.
Yeah, Jeffrey Immelt. He's the jobs czar... no conflict of interest there, but at least the dude has business experience.

Oh ya thats the guy. BarryO's job guy. That will give Pada something to do. He could go after one of BarryO's right hand men that doesn't pay his fair share. His company almost folded when he was driving the boat and crashed his stock holders. But he hung in there and survived. It's all good now.
NAFTA was written up during H.W.'s administration


This is what Clinton did with free trade.

  1. When President Bill Clinton signed off on the North American Free Trade Agreement and the General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs in 1993, otherwise known as NAFTA/GATT, he quite literally slashed the economic throat of the United States. We've been hemorrhaging jobs to foreign nations like Communist China ever since.
  2. Clinton's Signing NAFTA/GATT Cut America's Economic ...

    Just like I said Clintons fuck free trade up.
Oh ya thats the guy. BarryO's job guy. That will give Pada something to do. He could go after one of BarryO's right hand men that doesn't pay his fair share. His company almost folded when he was driving the boat and crashed his stock holders. But he hung in there and survived. It's all good now.
GE, Phillips and Sylvania helped push through the new incandescent bulb ban effectively killing any competition they had out there. Lithonia lost hundreds of good paying jobs since then in an area already decimated by textile jobs losses. Not Obama though, Bush was the fuckhead in chief at the time. Sure it was dem legislation but the fuckhead still made into law and deserves blame.

YAY!! curly light bulbs! the world has been saved!!!
GE, Phillips and Sylvania helped push through the new incandescent bulb ban effectively killing any competition they had out there. Lithonia lost hundreds of good paying jobs since then in an area already decimated by textile jobs losses. Not Obama though, Bush was the fuckhead in chief at the time. Sure it was dem legislation but the fuckhead still made into law and deserves blame.

YAY!! curly light bulbs! the world has been saved!!!

Cronyism, and a delightful example provided thereof!
Yes, I'm in favor of enacting legislation that would entice not just American corporations to stay here, but that would entice corporations from all of the world to COME here.
I'm guessing your solution to that is lowering the corporate tax rate, right?

So again I must ask you, since the corporate tax rate has been so low for so many years, why haven't we seen a comparable growth in employment?

LOL do you really need one?
Yes. I would also ask you to provide the evidence that such a "crippling" import is profitable, and why anyone would choose to do it if it were so economically deficient
So everyone that owns a piece of Kia, Toyota, Mercedes etc must live here or take their business elsewhere? How does this help? Or are you saying you want one set of rules here for American Businesses to operate here under but a different set for foreign business to operate here? Do you think that will encourage or discourage growth of American entrepreneurship?
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. It helps by ensuring American businesses are not offshored. I think that will encourage economic growth and ensure multinational corporations don't slide by the taxes they owe
I believe there are many methods to growing our economy and most have to do with enticements, not restrictions.
Then why does the data show the complete opposite?
What would Apple be today if they weren't allowed to operate at least partly offshore? Do you think their ability to offshore production has increased the jobs they have available here or do you think if they had to build here they would still be the giant they are?
I don't care. If some company avoids regulations yet increases GDP, the focus should remain on the avoidance of the regulations, not the praise of the increase of GDP. For example, I own a company that sells a billion babies a year, increasing the GDP by 20%. Selling babies is fucked up and wrong, even though it increases the nations GDP..
GE, Phillips and Sylvania helped push through the new incandescent bulb ban effectively killing any competition they had out there. Lithonia lost hundreds of good paying jobs since then in an area already decimated by textile jobs losses. Not Obama though, Bush was the fuckhead in chief at the time. Sure it was dem legislation but the fuckhead still made into law and deserves blame.

YAY!! curly light bulbs! the world has been saved!!!

I can say fuck Bush for that. Those light bulbs kinda suck for certain apps.
So again I must ask you, since the corporate tax rate has been so low for so many years, why haven't we seen a comparable growth in employment?
The United States has the third highest general top marginal corporate income tax rate in the world at 39.1 percent, exceeded only by Chad and the United Arab Emirates.

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad, which have rates of 55 and 40 percent, respectively. The U.S. tax rate is 16.5 percentage points higher than the worldwide average of 22.6 percent and about 9 percentage points higher than the worldwide GDP-weighted average of 30.6 percent. As with the average tax rate among industrialized nations, the average worldwide tax rate has been declining over the past ten years, pushing the United States farther from the norm. This worldwide decline in corporate tax rates can been seen in all regions of the world.

The United States Has the Third Highest Corporate Tax Rate among 163 Nations

The United States has the third highest general top marginal corporate income tax rate in the world at 39.1 percent, exceeded only by Chad and the United Arab Emirates.

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).[1] However, it is less well known how the United States stacks up against all of the countries and other tax jurisdictions throughout the world. Expanding the sample of countries to 163, the U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent is the third highest in the world, behind only the United Arab Emirates and Chad, which have rates of 55 and 40 percent, respectively. The U.S. tax rate is 16.5 percentage points higher than the worldwide average of 22.6 percent and about 9 percentage points higher than the worldwide GDP-weighted average of 30.6 percent. As with the average tax rate among industrialized nations, the average worldwide tax rate has been declining over the past ten years, pushing the United States farther from the norm. This worldwide decline in corporate tax rates can been seen in all regions of the world.

The United States Has the Third Highest Corporate Tax Rate among 163 Nations

Who the fuck gives a shit about the comparable tax rate in the rest of the world?

OUR CORPORATE TAX RATE is the lowest it's ever been

Where are all the jobs they promised?
I know, can you believe some people actually call our corporate tax rates low in comparison to the rest of the world? Talk about stupid...

Ginyy, if there weren't so many loopholes I might agree with you. But you see intelligent people actually look at the whole and not just a few parts. I don't try to leave out information to make my point, I research new information and if I find I was wrong I can live with that.

I don't believe in things just because fox news told me.
Yes. I would also ask you to provide the evidence that such a "crippling" import is profitable, and why anyone would choose to do it if it were so economically deficient

I'm telling you that transportation from one part of the world to another is comparatively lower than it was 60 years ago. If that concept is too difficult to grasp, the rest is a waste of my time. What you claimed I said and I what of these things is not like the other.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. It helps by ensuring American businesses are not offshored. I think that will
encourage economic growth and ensure multinational corporations don't slide by the taxes they owe

So booting foreign companies out of our country costing thousands of jobs will encourage economic growth...OK den.

Then why does the data show the complete opposite?

You have data that shows increased impediments lead to increase business growth? Care to share?

I don't care. If some company avoids regulations yet increases GDP, the focus should remain on the avoidance of the regulations, not the praise of the increase of GDP. For example, I own a company that sells a billion babies a year, increasing the GDP by 20%. Selling babies is fucked up and wrong, even though it increases the nations GDP..

Helping to build a middle class in China is seen as immoral as selling babies? Isn't that a bit bigoted?

Or do you think there are sweat shops with 5 year olds building your ipad?
Ginyy, if there weren't so many loopholes I might agree with you. But you see intelligent people actually look at the whole and not just a few parts. I don't try to leave out information to make my point, I research new information and if I find I was wrong I can live with that.

I don't believe in things just because fox news told me.

I don't watch fox news or assume you get your info from the daily kos just because we share differing opinions, that would suck.

Let's do this honestly and intelligently. Who do those loopholes you speak of help more, the established mega-corps or start-ups? Who would raising those effective rates harm more, the established mega-corps or the start-ups?

Edit: I'm with you on the loopholes, that's an example of the cronyism I despise. Let's fix those too.
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Who the fuck gives a shit about the comparable tax rate in the rest of the world?

OUR CORPORATE TAX RATE is the lowest it's ever been

Where are all the jobs they promised?

We are competing in a global economy now. It certainly matters when discussing offshoring. Geezus man.

And no, it's the lowest it's been in decades, but not ever. It's been 0% before.
Originally, wasn't NAFTA just Mexico Canada and the US? And then Clinton included the third world into the equation? Thats when I remembered everything getting fucked up is when Clinton was playing politics with free trade.

NAFTA was indeed only Mexico, Canada and the United States. Is China, et. al, part of that trade agreement? I never heard that to be the case. We do have trade agreements with China, et. al, however I'm not sure they are part of NAFTA as many assert.

According to this: we have free trade agreements with 20 countries, China not being one of them. Not that China is central to this debate. As far as I know, we don't have an open free trade agreement with China.