You Can't Afford A One-Bedroom Apartment On Minimum Wage


Well-Known Member


A new report by the National Low-Income Housing Coalition shows that there is no state in the U.S. where a full-time, minimum-wage worker can afford the rent of a one-bedroom apartment, Vox reports.

According to the report, the national average Housing Wage in 2015 is $19.35 for a two-bedroom unit, and $15.50 for a one-bedroom unit, while the federal minimum wage remains at $7.25 per hour in 2015, which hasn’t been raised since 2009. In 13 states and D.C., Housing Wage is more than $20 per hour. The Housing Wage is an estimate of the full-time hourly wage that a household must earn to afford a decent apartment at HUD’s estimated Fair Market Rent (FMR) for no more than 30% of their income.

The data from the report show a gap between wages and rents across the country. In no state or D.C. can a full-time minimum-wage earning worker at the federal minimum wage afford a one- or two-bedroom apartment for his or her family. With the exception of just a few counties in Washington and Oregon (where the state minimum wage is $9.47 and $9.25, respectively), in no county in the U.S. a one-bedroom unit at the FMR is affordable to someone working 40 hours a week at the minimum wage, according to the report.

A map included in the report shows the hours a worker would have to work each week to afford a one-bedroom apartment. Among the states where a worker has to work the most hours to afford housing are Hawaii (125), Maryland (101), DC (100), New Jersey (100) and California (92).

In some localities where the state and local minimum wages are higher than the federal minimum wage, the Housing Wages are also much higher than the minimum wages, according to the report. In San Francisco, California, for instance, the state and local minimum wages are $9.00 and $12.25, respectively, while the Housing Wages for a one- and a two-bedroom apartment are $31.44 and $39.65, respectively.

These data may help explain the findings of a Brookings Institution report. According to the report, an average resident of a U.S. metro area lives 90 minutes or less away from only 30 percent of the jobs in that area.

Living far away from jobs, in turn, can impede residents’ ability to earn more, Vox’s Joseph Stromberg points out. A recent study which tracked 5 million children starting in the 1980’s found that among factors such as crime rates, schools, and levels of inequality, a neighborhood’s average commuting time strongly correlated with its residents’ ability to ascend to a higher income bracket than their parents.

Blame the poor!
I thought it was fabulous.

I guess it just depends how much you feel you need to live comfortably.

You said 15.50 required avg for a 1 bed and 19.35 for two?..i dont know how thats calculated. But i have a couple 2 bedroom places i pay 495 a month on and even a 2 bed in the "ghetto" for 250 (yes thats a steal, i jumped on it, not gonna use that in the example)

But 495 a month, 150 for elec, 80 for utilities (water, trash)...these are real numbers from personal bills.
Food for 1 person 75 a week and thats not even really pinching very hard
Brings all monthly bills too $1025
$8/hr at 80 - $640 a paycheck before taxes
After will be about 530
Or ~1060 a month

So you can see that a full time minimum wage job will provide for all you "need" .. still, this is a minimalist no hussle and single person. Being as lazy as possible. A second part time job, a roomate, "partner", work nights instead for a pay raise, walmart heb mcdonalds tacobell etc will pay more than the suggested $8. That's an incredibly small portion of workers i mean etc etc. There isnt a "business" in my area i could think of that actually got paid minumum wage and didnt recieve another form of compensation wether tips or whatever
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I thought it was fabulous.

I guess it just depends how much you feel you need to live comfortably.

You said 15.50 required avg for a 1 bed and 19.35 for two?..i dont know how thats calculated. But i have a couple 2 bedroom places i pay 495 a month on and even a 2 bed in the "ghetto" for 250 (yes thats a steal, i jumped on it, not gonna use that in the example)

But 495 a month, 150 for elec, 80 for utilities (water, trash)...these are real numbers from personal bills.
Food for 1 person 75 a week and thats not even really pinching very hard
Brings all monthly bills too $1025
$8/hr at 80 - $640 a paycheck before taxes
After will be about 530
Or ~1060 a month

So you can see that a full time minimum wage job will provide for all you "need" ..
Do you believe this equation works for all underpaid/underemployed workers working full time in America?
Cause I don't need a car to get to work, or pay vehicle insurance.

Even if I didn't have a car, I'd need a monthly bus pass at the least. What about ANY other bills you have?

What about medical insurance? And there are still co pays and deductibles...

Forget going to the dentist, better pray you don't get sick or hurt.

Just plan on wearing the same clothes for the next few years...good luck holding down a job or finding one with holes in your pants.

You like wiping your ass with toilet paper? Showering with soap an shampoo? You shave, bro? Even shit from the 99 cent store ain't free.

And good luck finding a one bedroom apt in LA county for under 700 a month. Even that is a stretch. San Fernando valley, you're looking at at least 800 a month for a tiny one bedroom in a shitty complex...

Real secure knowing that ANY unexpected monetary setback could lead to an eviction notice due to not being able to make rent. What a way to

Excellent post

Cause I don't need a car I get to work, or pay vehicle insurance.

Even if I didn't have a car, I'd need a monthly bus pass at the least. What about ANY other bills you have?

What about medical insurance? And there are still co pays and deductibles...

Forget going to the dentist, better pray you don't get sick or hurt.

Just plan on wearing the same clothes for the next few years...good luck holding down a job or finding one with holes in your pants.

You like wiping your ass with toilet paper? Showering with soap an shampoo? You shave, bro? Even shit from the 99 cent store ain't free.

And good luck finding a one bedroom apt in LA county for under 700 a month. Even that is a stretch. San Fernando valley, you're looking at at least 800 a month for a tiny one bedroom in a shitty complex...
If you want to make more than minimum wage graduate highschool and get some skills.
Minimum wage workers are just stupid and lazy.. your bullshit has been debunked ad nauseum

Look at the numbers

More than 50% of COLLEGE GRADUATES, (COLLEGE, YOU FUCKTARD! PEOPLE WITH HIGHER DEGREES) are unemployed or underemployed.

That pretty much settles your bullshit non evidence claim

Getting an education today doesn't mean the same thing it meant 30 years ago, you believe it does. You're an idiot who hasn't studied history

You condemn free education as it will decrease hireability for new college grads, while simultaneously exclaiming "JUST GET AN EDUCATION!!" Shut your whore mouth, I see right through your bullshit conservative tactics.
As i said i only know tx.
And no where i live most everyone walks or bikes.
Also yes that is assuming you will miss some "luxuries" cable (theres great local tv) cell phone buying new clothes often, going to the movies not in a dollar theater or whatever.that should be obvious. If you get hurt most likely it will be a trip to the hospital. This is a reality for many poor people. Like i said it will provide what you "need" and there are lots of people that live this way

If The area you want to live is too expensive there are lots of cheaper places. With people that make a closer income to you

Besides the topic really is pointless. To make minumum wage and not move up or anything. Or if need be get a part time. you have to be extremely incompetent. On avg 6 months in fastfood puts you in early management, im friends with the market coach here for taco bell , i know in about 2 years if your not shift manager you should quit and try something else.

How many of those graduates are actually making minumum wage though? Not unemployed, thats different and should be assumed
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As i said i only know tx.
And no where i live most everyone walks or bikes.
Also yes that is assuming you will miss some "luxuries" cable (theres great local tv) cell phone buying new clothes often, going to the movies not in a dollar theater or whatever.that should be obvious. If you get hurt most likely it will be a trip to the hospital. This is a reality for many poor people. Like i said it will provide what you "need" and there are lots of people that live this way

If The area you want to live is too expensive there are lots of cheaper places. With people that make a closer income to you

Besides the topic really is pointless. To make minumum wage and not move up or anything. Or if need be get a part time. you have to be extremely incompetent. On avg 6 months in fastfood puts you in early management, im friends with the market coach here for taco bell , i know in about 2 years if your not shift manager you should quit and try something else.

How many of those graduates are actually making minumum wage though? Not unemployed, thats different and should be assumed
I, and the ten of millions of full time workers who can't provide for themselves don't care what you believe

What you believe doesn't pay their bills

Everything you've addressed, including "poor people are stupid and/or lazy" has been debunked, read through the thread
Minimum wage workers are just stupid and lazy.. your bullshit has been debunked ad nauseum

Look at the numbers

More than 50% of COLLEGE GRADUATES, (COLLEGE, YOU FUCKTARD! PEOPLE WITH HIGHER DEGREES) are unemployed or underemployed.

That pretty much settles your bullshit non evidence claim

Getting an education today doesn't mean the same thing it meant 30 years ago, you believe it does. You're an idiot who hasn't studied history

You condemn free education as it will decrease hireability for new college grads, while simultaneously exclaiming "JUST GET AN EDUCATION!!" Shut your whore mouth, I see right through your bullshit conservative tactics.

Stop calling your "Brothers and Sisters" names, "Comrade". It's not polite.

User beware, go after a BA, (any worthless major/degree), suffer the consequences.

Hey I would have loved "free education" ---- however, there never was and never will be such an animal.

Somebody has to pay "Comrade", somebody has to pay!
I never said they were stupid.. lazy maybe. They could surely hustle more. As i said, side work, a friend roomate etc. Do what you have to if you honestly cant make it, or move somewhere you could...

But none of what i said is what i "believe" i tried to be as factual as possible. Those are real bills and a real income. I know people that survive on this.
I take that as a loss on your end though.

Foul language is the feeble minds futile attempts at expressing itself forcefully
Stop calling your "Brothers and Sisters" names, "Comrade". It's not polite.

User beware, go after a BA, (any worthless major/degree), suffer the consequences.

Hey I would have loved "free education" ---- however, there never was and never will be such an animal.

Somebody has to pay "Comrade", somebody has to pay!
You will pay, and you will hate it, and I'll love it
Stop calling your "Brothers and Sisters" names, "Comrade". It's not polite.

User beware, go after a BA, (any worthless major/degree), suffer the consequences.

Hey I would have loved "free education" ---- however, there never was and never will be such an animal.

Somebody has to pay "Comrade", somebody has to pay!
I'm going to major in womens studies and minor in liberal arts just so you have to pay more
Stop calling your "Brothers and Sisters" names, "Comrade". It's not polite.

User beware, go after a BA, (any worthless major/degree), suffer the consequences.

Hey I would have loved "free education" ---- however, there never was and never will be such an animal.

Somebody has to pay "Comrade", somebody has to pay!

damn you're dumb.