You be the judge!!


Well-Known Member
here is my newest plant. 9 days into flowering. It is my tallest plant at 15". It was topped right as it was thrown into flowering, so everything above the split is new growth in th past 9 days.


This took some of the mag deficiency, but it's been tanking through, growing fast. I supose my clone has already doubled in height, with like 4-5 weeks left to go, so thats not bad. I was just hoping for an easy triple. I always forget that i started it at 6.5". But that plant above should get above 20" easy if it keeps this up. Unfortunetly thats well above my other plants and if it goes too quick i might have to raise the light because of one plant, not all of them. Not something i want to do.


Well-Known Member
Hi bud, just raise the lowerplants to the same hight as your tallest, just stack junk up under em like i do


Hi bud, just raise the lowerplants to the same hight as your tallest, just stack junk up under em like i do

he cant.... he's growing in an aerogarden base... i tried to come up with a solution, but cant think of anything yet:-?


Well-Known Member
if i had a plan, it would be to build my box, put a 200w in it, then put the tallest plant the farthest rom th center, which in a 2x2 isn't very far. The 200w would keep high levels of lumens on the lower plants even if the light was little farther away. But things have been tough lately, and my priorities are elsewhere. I really do need that box though. In about...< 2 weeks i'm gonna have another 3 clones ready for flowering, and they will have to go, because i need to replaced the slots in my aerogarden with my crippy clones, which should be ready to start being clipped by the time my others ones go out. Then i will have 7 crippy clones ready o feed into my box at a time. Then pack the other aerogarden with clones, and i can stuff 14 rooted clones into the box at a time.

So no matter what, i need to build that box, it's just crucial...


Well-Known Member
just felt like sharing

my biggest plant, has 11 branches at the "line of scrimmage," not sure how long it's been in flowering...


Well-Known Member
nice looks good. here is mine. sorry i couldnt get better pics but of well. so are you two still down for the contest?
she now stands at 25'' flat. and has so many buds. all of the branchs on there are buds cause i cut all of my fan leaves off. sort of an experiment that my friend said is good. but anyway. she seems fine and looks beautiful. im gonna try to get a better camera so you can really see her. she has 37 places where buds are forming. YYYYEEEEEEEE. smoke on bros.


Well-Known Member
yea, you need a better camera. Totally not doing her justice there.

I'm still down, but i betcha i'm around 2 weeks behind from the looks of yours, and i'm at a staggering 15.5" now (from 6.5"). I'm estimating the plant that i posted in my last post will finish december 15th-ish. That might be able to keep up with yours. But my clone, she is just too small i fear to put up a good fight:(. But i'm gonna be here waiting to see how yours and gogrows turn out. Theres no point and pulling out now.

It's all fun anyways, how can we lose when we all end up with bud regardless?

not sure if that trimming is safe...


Well-Known Member
hows things goin guys? Things are going well enough on my end. I'm gonna do an update late tomorrow with my new grow box. Should be sexy.


Well-Known Member
nice looks good. here is mine. sorry i couldnt get better pics but of well. so are you two still down for the contest?
she now stands at 25'' flat. and has so many buds. all of the branchs on there are buds cause i cut all of my fan leaves off. sort of an experiment that my friend said is good. but anyway. she seems fine and looks beautiful. im gonna try to get a better camera so you can really see her. she has 37 places where buds are forming. YYYYEEEEEEEE. smoke on bros.

Ya, i made that same mistake with 1 of my plants, All those fan leaves are like solar panels i learned just soaking up the energy from the light. I cut mine away and i started flowering her at 12" and she finished at 29", but 1 of my others i flowered from seed and did not trim near as much as i did my trall lady, i got more bud and nice sticky Burmese sativa, my main cloa was way bigger its crazy man, dont trim, tuck the or tie them down if you have to, or LSTing sound like it will work, i have not personally done it but its def an idea for my next grow. Just some advice dont trim!


Well-Known Member
yea on my next grow i am deffinitly going to grow a different way then i did with this one. i think im going to try "spearing" so hopefully i can find some help from someone who knows a lil more about then i do. well looks like i got some reading to do. well thanks for the feed back. i apreciate it. one love mary jane-


Well-Known Member
hello there. i know none of us have been updating but i just thought i would let you guys no im cuttin her down in 6 days. she is just about done. i am getting a camera tonight so ill post some pics


hello there. i know none of us have been updating but i just thought i would let you guys no im cuttin her down in 6 days. she is just about done. i am getting a camera tonight so ill post some pics

mine walked out of my yard saturday....


Well-Known Member
life's been :hump: me lately, so i've been out of commission. My box is half up and running, i just have no money right now, and i can't finish i'm in this slightly hard to deal with temp stage. But my plants are in the bigger res now, but my friends camera isn't autofocusing for some reason, and i can only take shitty human error pictures.

So heres the top bud to my clone

This is the farthest to the right branch, which became the primary branch, so it basicly is the top cola, of the motherplant of that clone

My biggest and oldest plant is producing slightly over popcorn size buds, and popcorn buds. But it's producing a lot of them, probably at least an ounce worth, my friend said i might be able to get more if i harvest when i should. I'd have a picture of that, but my garden is slightly clusterfucked, and good pcitures can't be taken of it.

And gogrow, and i'm reading right, your plant has gone awall? I don't have a response for that other than: i'm sorry man. I'd start punching babies.


life's been :hump: me lately, so i've been out of commission. My box is half up and running, i just have no money right now, and i can't finish i'm in this slightly hard to deal with temp stage. But my plants are in the bigger res now, but my friends camera isn't autofocusing for some reason, and i can only take shitty human error pictures.

So heres the top bud to my clone
View attachment 266881

This is the farthest to the right branch, which became the primary branch, so it basicly is the top cola, of the motherplant of that clone
View attachment 266882

My biggest and oldest plant is producing slightly over popcorn size buds, and popcorn buds. But it's producing a lot of them, probably at least an ounce worth, my friend said i might be able to get more if i harvest when i should. I'd have a picture of that, but my garden is slightly clusterfucked, and good pcitures can't be taken of it.

And gogrow, and i'm reading right, your plant has gone awall? I don't have a response for that other than: i'm sorry man. I'd start punching babies.

life is good at fucking you.... or at least me... yeah, it just walked out of hiding in the backyard... im lost cause nobody knew about it.... and it was just a few weeks away from being chopped...

but i love my babies; no punching them


Well-Known Member
i've got a plant ready to go into flower if you wanted to come down here and buy it from me:). It's supercropped to hell, and FIM'd to hell, and, and LST'd to hell. I've been stunting it as much as possible without actually hurting it because it's getting too big for my box. It's about 12" left to right, and about 14" tall.


i've got a plant ready to go into flower if you wanted to come down here and buy it from me:). It's supercropped to hell, and FIM'd to hell, and, and LST'd to hell. I've been stunting it as much as possible without actually hurting it because it's getting too big for my box. It's about 12" left to right, and about 14" tall.

shit... what state you in???