Yield ?

News flash. People have been bartering with their their goods and labour in exchange for medicinal treatment for millenia. It doesn't mean it was never medicine because it wasn't free.

That's like saying "if your growing food for profit, don't call it "food".
I was ribbing Doctor PopAndSon for seeking quantity over quality medicine for his "patients."
I see. .it's easy to jump to conclusions over text...

I get your point now...it's like if the company that makes my immunosuppressives and anti inflammatories decided to focus on straight quantity instead of Standardized operating procedures and stringent testing requirements.

The quality and effectiveness of the medicine is more important than the sheer amount of it I have on hand.
I'm on the fence when it comes to quality vs yield. If I'm selling it, I'd push quality first, nd attempt decent yields as a secondary, but for me personally I'm a pure habitual smoker more than anything so 100% quality isn't too important for me.

For example (if personal) id rather get 8 ounces of mids at 15% than 2 Oz of super heady shit at 25% as I don't really notice a difference between average weed and fire weed as I'm mainly smoking to go to sleep straight afterwards and fill a hole created by habit. I can definately tell shit weed from average weed, but not really average weed to straight fire. I'm easily stoned lol.

But once I put a monetary value on it, and it's for others consumption my morals push me to try and provide a good standard of quality as well as comfortable yields. But I'd rather sell my mates a qp of fire than a p of schwag.
It was just a loose point, I would be more concerned with meeting the physical needs of a patient or many patients than being able to brag about a couple %age points of potency. Take it as you will.
Its all about finding that middle ground hey. You could grow the best fire out there, but if it's only lasting your patients a few weeks with down time inbetween it's pointless, but at the same time having sub standard product that lasts is an issues as well.

It's all a big balancing act, and I have had my struggles.
Let's cut the BS. He's saying if he's selling it he's going for quantity. If he's growing it for himself he's going for quality. That's fine from a business / personal standpoint, but let's not act like it's some sort of thoughtful medical decision to benefit his patients. This is the classic complaint of dispensaries.

I really didn't mean to derail this thread by saying Big Bud sucks and questioning the motives of PopAndSon's medical practice. I thought it would get a few mixed emojis and we would move on.
Let's cut the BS. He's saying if he's selling it he's going for quantity. If he's growing it for himself he's going for quality. That's fine from a business / personal standpoint, but let's not act like it's some sort of thoughtful medical decision to benefit his patients. This is the classic complaint of dispensaries.

I really didn't mean to derail this thread by saying Big Bud sucks and questioning the motives of PopAndSon's medical practice. I thought it would get a few mixed emojis and we would move on.
I don't think there's any BS to cut at this point or anything to move on from, and no one was saying it was any type of thoughtful process, you might be reading in to this far too much. Seemed like a few benign statements to/from me me about a simple quality vs quantity debate. Some people have different priorities plain and simple.

I didn't think anything you said was out of line, and certainly didn't get any ideas you were bashing any strain or anyone specifically, just a minor difference in priorities.
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