(Yet another...)Is it a She or is it a He or both?

Tee Five

Active Member
What do you think guys? it has white hairs but I see pods (I think)

This is the 9th day of flowering--Belladonna.


femlae.jpgmale or female.jpgWhite hairs.jpg


Well-Known Member
Damn, thats obviously male, no offense but you didnt look up how to tell sex did you? cuz its so obvious those are full blown males it hurts.
You should of killed them weeks ago and started over then, looks like you wasted at least a few weeks flowering worthless males/

Tee Five

Active Member
Damn, thats obviously male, no offense but you didnt look up how to tell sex did you? cuz its so obvious those are full blown males it hurts.
You should of killed them weeks ago and started over then, looks like you wasted at least a few weeks flowering worthless males/
I just wanted to make 100% sure. I have 2 females not pictured...no starting over here/

They have only been flowering for 9 days, no offense but did you not read the 3 simple sentences I wrote.

2 Weeks ago there was no sign of sex.


