Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Are any of these surviving shooters ever evaluated? Are they normal, healthy kids?
Is it the gun itself they "fall in love" with or the games they play that glorify the gun? I know nobody wants to look at games, music or movies as an accelerant to the decline of someone's mental health, but looking at the school shootings timeline , it goes hand in hand with when home arcade consoles were in their heyday. The technology got way more advanced and games started becoming a lot more realistic.
I dont think games create killers, but I think they warp the reality of some kids. Especially lonely, neglected children with no love shown to them at home.
This. And if you haven’t noticed they’re aiming that at adults too
Edit: or should i say kids that never grow up
Yes I’m sure it is but you stated you believe in it and was curious what that belief entailed. The SCOTUS as it stands is a joke.
I believe that we should be allowed to put reasonable restrictions on gun ownership. This includes registration and background checks. I believe that when a gun owner dies, the guns' ownership should be tracked and the new owners subjected to similar checks. I believe that training should be required and that concealed carry severely restricted.
Another thing that makes me want vomit is parents allowing drs to fill their 7 yr old children with ridalin and adarol because they have to much energy for their lazy trash fucking parents
Yeah, doctors shouldn't be allowed to do things. Informed consent is nonsense. :hump:
This. And if you haven’t noticed they’re aiming that at adults too
Edit: or should i say kids that never grow up
I really don't know the answer. I'm not blaming games/movies solely. This seems to be an America problem, where games are played worldwide without school shootings. But I do think those games absolutely glorify violence. Just an observation of my own I never see talked about.

Maybe parents should be held responsible if a weapon of theirs is used in a school shooting by their kids? More guns would end up in safes possibly.

The pro-life lie. The states with the loosest gun laws are also pushing for the strictest abortion laws and execute the most prisoners. Oklahoma has executed 4 people in the last 7 months yet they just enacted the strictest abortion law in the country and their gun laws are basically non-existent. They're all a bunch of bible thumping hypocrites and they can kiss my backside while I pass gas.
Yeah, doctors shouldn't be allowed to do things. Informed consent is nonsense. :hump:
Dont mistake real diagnosis with horseshit. Ive seen it in my own extended family. Perfectly fine healthy children with lazy parents who just couldn’t match a young boys energy. He must be hyperactive ya no shit hes a healthy child. I should say was cause now hes a homeless street walking addict that started with adarol abuse. All by a ripe age of 19. Must be about 30 now if hes alive family hasnt seen or heard in a few yrs
Dont mistake real diagnosis with horseshit. Ive seen it in my own extended family. Perfectly fine healthy children with lazy parents who just couldn’t match a young boys energy. He must be hyperactive ya no shit hes a healthy child. I should say was cause now hes a homeless street walking addict that started with adarol abuse. All by a ripe age of 19. Must be about 30 now if hes alive family hasnt seen or heard in a few yrs
Those are pretty restricted drugs. I guess you know more than those doctors.
Sorry missing your point. Didn’t say i know more than stoopid drs. I said i know for a fact drs give them out pretty easily. Opiates are pretty restricted too?
I also believe that gun ownership includes the responsibility to properly secure a weapon. A lot of handguns on the street come from cars that get broken into.

And generally there are few requirements to report a stolen weapon. It's pretty good business to just buy a gun, sell it at a huge markup and then say it was stolen IF anybody ever comes asking about it.
Maybe you should look into how ALOT of people become addicts and the overprescribing of mind drugs
I also believe that gun ownership includes the responsibility to properly secure a weapon. A lot of handguns on the street come from cars that get broken into.

And generally there are few requirements to report a stolen weapon. It's pretty good business to just buy a gun, sell it at a huge markup and then say it was stolen IF anybody ever comes asking about it.
not here. Your gun goes missing and you dont report it ,any crime its tied to including murder is charged to you.
Not looking for an argument uncle. Just saying aren’t alot of us here to get away from dr drugs and what their doing? It happens to children too
Maybe you should look into how ALOT of people become addicts and the overprescribing of mind drugs

not here. Your gun goes missing and you dont report it ,any crime its tied to including murder is charged to you.

What happens if you do report it? Do you need to show them a broken car window?
Not looking for an argument uncle. Just saying aren’t alot of us here to get away from dr drugs and what their doing? It happens to children too
Lots of children get legitimate help from them too.

Sorry about your relative, but by your reasoning, the latest school shooting should justify severe gun ownership restrictions.

What happens if you do report it? Do you need to show them a broken car window?
Honestly not sure never lost a weapon lol. But really here youd be possibly in trouble and could have your license suspended or revoked. Leaving a firearm in a vehicle still requires it to be in a secure container. Leaving one in a vehicle here not in a safe is a no no. The only time a gun can be loaded in a vehicle is concealed and by permit. Kinda weird but its about immediate control i think. I can have a loaded gun under my shirt but cant put one in the glovebox
An armed population is not a trivial matter. It has major advantages and disadvantages. Remember Vietnam ? It showed that it is very difficult to defeat a native population fighting on their own land even when their enemy has vastly superior weapons.
I am not sure about this, but it seems there has been incremental, possibly exponential, increase in mass shootings over the last few years.

That suggests an epidemic on at least the idea that the sharp uptick represents more folks willing to step over a pretty basic line.

Before Covid I hadn't paid as much attention to what was up in the USA compared to at this point. I was pretty surprised at the news cycles displaying lines at gun stores as long s the one I remember standing around an entire block waiting to get into the original Star Wars as an 8 year old. (Slight exaggeration ;)) We've been watching part of the result ever since.