Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

No one needs a fucking Assault Weapon for self defense or hunting. No one needs more than 6 shots, ever. No one needs an auto loading anything. We do not need guns everywhere.
Anothe NRA Republican Sponsored Mass Killing.
You positive?
You never had to enter data into a 70s mainframe. One bad keystroke = dead program. Stuff like that encouraged literacy.
You’ve aged me lol. I was doing that in the 80’s ;). It also encouraged lack of sleep :(. It’s a wonder why school shootings weren’t prolific back then :o!
Nope not until American is disarmed
You seem to be confusing the armed forces' available weapons with a frightening proliferation of personal weapons in the hands of unvetted, untrained, potentially unstable individuals.

You also seem to be confusing Russia not invading us as a result of personal weapon ownership versus well equipped armed forces.

You seem confused.

Nobody is calling for "American" to be disarmed.

Why do Republicans oppose background checks for those seeking to buy weapons of war? Do you think our lack of background checks are deterring Russia from sending an amphibious force to our shores? Please explain.
Not sure i dont oppose registration or background checks. I get em all the time. I was being jest full about Russia. Russia is shit

Nobody is calling for "American" to be disarmed
You seem confused.
Btw not a rebublican or democrat
What we’re talking about is regulation. I don’t own a gun up here in Canada but I can get one if I want one.

I just can’t get one tonight and I have no problem with that.
To do it legally you would have to sit in a class for 3-5 days then written and practical testing. And that’s only for long guns, handgun licensing is even more strenuous. That in it self is a huge deterrent to gun crimes IMO. And a great place to start but again there is no easy start in the US that I can see at the moment.
Not sure i dont oppose registration or background checks. I get em all the time. I was being jest full about Russia. Russia is shit

Nobody is calling for "American" to be disarmed
You seem confused.
Btw not a rebublican or democrat
But isn’t that the fear? All I hear is “they want our guns” from the gun zealots :(.
Not sure i dont oppose registration or background checks. I get em all the time. I was being jest full about Russia. Russia is shit

Nobody is calling for "American" to be disarmed
You seem confused.
Btw not a rebublican or democrat
I do believe in a "well regulated militia" which (regardless of whatever the fuck those words meant in those days) has been well established as more than just a bunch of good Ole boys LARPing on the weekends.

But this particular fuckstick bought two assault weapons days after his 18th birthday (earlier this month) with the full intent of killing people.
Im in agreement with you im just not sure how we can go about it. Im admittedly doubtful its even possible.
I don’t think that’s possible in my state. I believe its one at a time and 3 a yr limit. Im willing to give up some privacy as im not hiding anything.
I do believe in a "well regulated militia" which (regardless of whatever the fuck those words meant in those days) has been well established as more than just a bunch of good Ole boys LARPing on the weekends.

But this particular fuckstick bought two assault weapons days after his 18th birthday (earlier this month) with the full intent of killing people.
What does, in your opinion, a well regulated militia mean in today’s world? I think that is part of the issue today, no one can agree what that actually means. Canadian kids can get a licence at 15, again with training and testing, not sure if age is an issue.
What does, in your opinion, a well regulated militia mean in today’s world? I think that is part of the issue today, no one can agree what that actually means. Canadian kids can get a licence at 15, again with training and testing, not sure if age is an issue.
The SCOTUS decided this several times.

My definition is irrelevant.
What does, in your opinion, a well regulated militia mean in today’s world? I think that is part of the issue today, no one can agree what that actually means. Canadian kids can get a licence at 15, again with training and testing, not sure if age is an issue.
That how it is in my state. You can hunt at 12 with shared gun and baglimit.You can get a F.I.D card at fifteen with parental consent. This only allows a minor 15-17 to carry his own low cap. Long gun while hunting and share a bag limit with a licensed adult 18 +.they then can purchase non large capacity long guns at 18. To get an LTC for handguns and large cap long guns and concealed only carry,you need to pass training and be 21+
We also have registration and background checks.
Local, state, and federal authorities know what i have and where they are kept. My state also has storage laws , mag capacity limits and its a redflag state. That being said , crime occurs