Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

You know when your parents tell you to not touch the gun? They also do it for electrical outlets..and when you're age 4, you're grown and know you go get the butter knife.
I found that pulling a plug half out, then crossing the tines with a single strand of steel wool, was big fun and didn’t even trip the breaker.

I did catch hell when dad found the wall receptacle scorched and pitted in an obvious and unnatural manner. I was like 5.
Tinsel was made of metal foil long ago. I crawled under the tree and plugged the lights in,not noticing a strand of tinsel was around the plug. Found out quick as it also wrapped around my wrist.
Boooom! Pow!! Fuse gone, total darkness, outlet charred and red marks on me!
I pulled a piece out of my cats ass years ago and I had red marks on me as well. :(.
The family of wingnuts helped him avoid the consequences of his actions and perhaps get mental health treatment. I guess they didn't want him to lose the right to own a gun. They can be welcome to his legal bills now and the lawsuits from the victims, because instead of being white rich and crazy, they will now be poor white and crazy.

I think whatever happened this guy was going to end up living in a cage no matter how things turned out before he murdered people.

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FREEDUMB open carry at airports and on planes, they is violating yer 2nd amendment rats! If everybody was armed there would be no problem, just like in the schools, churches and public venues. More big guberment taking guns away from law abiding citizens! :lol:

how fucking stupid do people have to be? when has it EVER been ok to take a gun on a plane? the only time a person should be carrying a firearm on a plane is if it is an air marshal, or some other authorized government agent.
"Mass shootings are rare in Canada and Toronto has long prided itself as being one of the safest big cities in the world. In 2020, shortly after a gunman shot and killed 13 people in Portapique, Nova Scotia, Canada banned more than 1,500 models of “assault-style” firearms and components, and set limits on how destructive bullets could be."
