Yes, the FedEx man COULD be a cop... everybody panic.


Well-Known Member
yep they sure can. i worked for fedex like a year ago. some guy handed me a box on the street and said he wanted to ship it. but he was very suspicious so after i took the box from him i opened it. found 2lbs of purple. took a pound and a half and put the rest back in the box but cut open the vacuum seal so it would stink up the truck. i gave it to my manager when i returned to the station and he told me the police would set up a sting where the package was going.


Well-Known Member
yep they sure can. i worked for fedex like a year ago. some guy handed me a box on the street and said he wanted to ship it. but he was very suspicious so after i took the box from him i opened it. found 2lbs of purple. took a pound and a half and put the rest back in the box but cut open the vacuum seal so it would stink up the truck. i gave it to my manager when i returned to the station and he told me the police would set up a sting where the package was going.

Thats fucked up ... Your a thief ....... Dont try to sugarcoat it .. You stole . It does not matter what it was or why .. but you stole a thief is a thief.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
yep they sure can. i worked for fedex like a year ago. some guy handed me a box on the street and said he wanted to ship it. but he was very suspicious so after i took the box from him i opened it. found 2lbs of purple. took a pound and a half and put the rest back in the box but cut open the vacuum seal so it would stink up the truck. i gave it to my manager when i returned to the station and he told me the police would set up a sting where the package was going.

That's fucking COLD BLOODED! Shame on you! :evil:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That aint right.
yep they sure can. i worked for fedex like a year ago. some guy handed me a box on the street and said he wanted to ship it. but he was very suspicious so after i took the box from him i opened it. found 2lbs of purple. took a pound and a half and put the rest back in the box but cut open the vacuum seal so it would stink up the truck. i gave it to my manager when i returned to the station and he told me the police would set up a sting where the package was going.


Well-Known Member
honor amoung theives?

a car thieve was robbing a van in NY this weekend and found it fully rigged up with bombs and such

car thief called the police & alerted them to the terroist van

just saw it on the news, car thief called the cops on those bitches:mrgreen:

but think about it, since you risk your own job at fedex by not telling your boss about the package, all you did was lesson the charge for the guy who ended up getting busted cuz you reduced his crime to only a half lb

your a patriot i wouldnt have risked my job for that fool either

plus he asked for it.

just my opinion why do anything to help a stranger breaking the law for profit when you risk everything and get nothing

just my 2 cents
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New Member
OMG how did I miss this :o
yep they sure can. i worked for fedex like a year ago. some guy handed me a box on the street and said he wanted to ship it. but he was very suspicious so after i took the box from him i opened it. found 2lbs of purple. took a pound and a half and put the rest back in the box but cut open the vacuum seal so it would stink up the truck. i gave it to my manager when i returned to the station and he told me the police would set up a sting where the package was going.


New Member
yep they sure can. i worked for fedex like a year ago. some guy handed me a box on the street and said he wanted to ship it. but he was very suspicious so after i took the box from him i opened it. found 2lbs of purple. took a pound and a half and put the rest back in the box but cut open the vacuum seal so it would stink up the truck. i gave it to my manager when i returned to the station and he told me the police would set up a sting where the package was going.
Weed thief and a snitch. Glad you are a part of the community.


Well-Known Member
honor amoung theives?

a car thieve was robbing a van in NY this weekend and found it fully rigged up with bombs and such

car thief called the police & alerted them to the terroist van

just saw it on the news, car thief called the cops on those bitches:mrgreen:

but think about it, since you risk your own job at fedex by not telling your boss about the package, all you did was lesson the charge for the guy who ended up getting busted cuz you reduced his crime to only a half lb

your a patriot i wouldnt have risked my job for that fool either

plus he asked for it.
agreed, when he got busted he got 1 1/2 lbs. off his charge. Also why wouldn't he just ship it like a normal person and not directly hand it to a UPS guy:confused: He shoulda just shipped it a few O's at a time in separate packages at separate times...or just drove it. Acting suspicious isn't too smart if you actually have something to hide. that is kinda fucked up though if you really think about it. But still who the fuck ships two pounds at once? Why not just get a old computer/old monitor from goodwill for like 10$ then gut it and put the weed in there? He probably would've got caught in the near future anyway...
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New Member
It doesn't surprise me that you would see things differently.:shock:

I think if we all said this was right you would say it was wrong.:peace:That ok though because I'm used to it now.

:wall: :lol::clap:

honor amoung theives?

a car thieve was robbing a van in NY this weekend and found it fully rigged up with bombs and such

car thief called the police & alerted them to the terroist van

just saw it on the news, car thief called the cops on those bitches:mrgreen:

but think about it, since you risk your own job at fedex by not telling your boss about the package, all you did was lesson the charge for the guy who ended up getting busted cuz you reduced his crime to only a half lb

your a patriot i wouldnt have risked my job for that fool either

plus he asked for it.

just my opinion why do anything to help a stranger breaking the law for profit when you risk everything and get nothing

just my 2 cents

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

but think about it, since you risk your own job at fedex by not telling your boss about the package, all you did was lesson the charge for the guy who ended up getting busted cuz you reduced his crime to only a half lb

your a patriot i wouldnt have risked my job for that fool either

plus he asked for it.

The packages inside were vacuum sealed and he only opened it because he said the guy looked "suspicious". It is not his job to "judge" people by how they look. He had NO BUSINESS opening the package! If the package had been dropped in a Fed. Ex box and picked up by the driver he never would have known!

His job was NEVER in jeopardy that's TOTAL BULLSHIT! He's not a patriot.... he's a fucking thief! He's also a rat because he purposely cut open the vacuum seal on the other packages to release the smell and hence get the receiver and/or sender busted (so he could get away with stealing).

If he was worried the package had a "bomb" in it then he should have called authorities WITHOUT opening the package! He did what he did because he was hoping to steal some weed.... which is exactly what he did!


Well-Known Member
I would've opened it to now if I think about it, especially in todays world that dude could have handed you a fucking bomb.


Well-Known Member

If he was worried the package had a "bomb" in it then he should have called authorities WITHOUT opening the package! He did what he did because he was hoping to steal some weed.... which is exactly what he did!
if he did call the cops that guy would've still caught a charge, and really who goes around cutting open packages looking for weed? Humans are curious by nature...but does that justify opening a big package from a suspicious person? I guess not.


Well-Known Member
it is true I like to be the devils advocate but I would hazard to say everyone here has stolen somthing before in thier lives. I bet the users on here have done more criminal acts than most other forums
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