YES my lucky fucking day.

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Active Member

  • you appear to be delusional to the fact that you stole ''somebodys'' phone. does it make you feel better about yourself when you say ''found''?

    if i knew where you worked id go there, take a dump on the floor and watch you have to clean it up you bottom dwelling scumbag

    fixed notice how its so different. maybe you could use the phone to download an app that can help you excel in your cleaning career?

    do you get to use the feather duster?​

Lmfao your shitty attempts at making fun of one who is working are piss poor.

In before any toilet jokes, I clean a bar, not the bathroom. :]


Active Member
id be suprised if op even smokes. getting the jollys off stealing a phone i dunno if he could afford weed. id go as far as to guess that op is under 18.

i dissagree that my posts make me the troll. maybe a troll to the op but what else does a thief deserve??.

i dont respect stealing. the number one thing i hate is fucking slimy scumbag thieves
so ill call the op a slimy scumbag thief
Lmfao I only need to smoke about a gram a day. So that's basically an ounce a month. 250 an ounce when you work a job that's 16 an hour full time then 10 an hour part time... Yaaa I can't afford it. I know people who work minimum wage and still afford to smoke. Again nice effort. I applaud you for that. You seem to be hiding behind the veil not mentioning what you do for a living, but if you are going to continue to assume I stole a phone, I will assume you are some fat forty year old still living with his parents.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
difference is your claiming you didn't steal the phone on a technicality. but you will admit you found it haha well done on convincing yourself your not a thief. thief.

im a laborer. yeah not the best job but it keeps me from stealing shit


Well-Known Member
Stealing is stealing, no matter what words you use to try and soften what really happened. No respect for others, expect none I'm return as well as karma co,ing back around and biting you in the ass.

Even worse, you post to brag about it.


Active Member
You don't know the definition of find, found.

That is pretty pAthetic. And I will post whatever the fuck I want. It isn't bragging, it is merely telling the riu community what I had found.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Yes I admit I found it rofl... Your justification for me being a thief; well there just isn't any. So you sir are truly a dipshit. Finding doesn't make you a thief. If he was sitting there drunk off his ass and the phone was next to him and I snagged it then yes I would be considered a thief. But I had found it hours after the bar is closed. Keyword FOUND you fucking twat. Get a dictionary.


it would not be hard for you to find its owner or hand it over to someone who can return the phone and sim card like a police station or the phone service provider. but having your baby like finders keepers attitude you have i doubt that.


Well-Known Member
You don't know the definition of find, found.

That is pretty pAthetic. And I will post whatever the fuck I want. It isn't bragging, it is merely telling the riu community what I had found.
You did find it. You know who it Belongs to but don't plan on returning it. That is stealing, and disrespectful of others. And morally wrong to boot.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Don't get your knickers in a bunch.

I'd say from the response you received you might want to reconsider what you'll do with the phone. You might even get a reward..


New Member
You what's even more sad than what that fucking thief did is that he will most likely try and sell it. If he does the person that buys it won't able to activate it again in their name. So in essence the OP is thieving from potentially two people. I hope he tries to sell it and someone gets him busted. Lets see how far the found it excuse goes when he gets caught selling stolen property.


Active Member
why did you throw the sim card out if you found it and owned it though?

because it was someone elses?? IDIOT
Because a sim card is meaningless to me. Why would I keep it rofl. You must have been dropped on your head one too many times as a child.

Don't get your knickers in a bunch.

I'd say from the response you received you might want to reconsider what you'll do with the phone. You might even get a reward..
Might, I like the sure fire thing. But thanks for the input. I do respect your thoughts.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I have to say that my old htc touch pro II just died and I beat that thing to death. But, what I didn't do was back it up. My mistake. From what I hear my new phone has the ability to be cloud backed up. Sweet!

If I lost my phone I'd pay for the information on it.
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