YES my lucky fucking day.

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Well-Known Member
Nice spelling. And I thought I was bad. Same to you on what you say on this site doesn't mean shit to me either. But it really does seem to me that it means something to you if you are on some fucking crybaby rant when the phone wasn't even yours. Once again I have to reiterate and say it was found, not stolen. Thanks for the luck! Bad luck to you.
Found means it didn't belong to someone. Taking something you know isn't your's, with the intent of stealing, is theft. It's not complicated.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Nice spelling. And I thought I was bad. Same to you on what you say on this site doesn't mean shit to me either. But it really does seem to me that it means something to you if you are on some fucking crybaby rant when the phone wasn't even yours. Once again I have to reiterate and say it was found, not stolen. Thanks for the luck! Bad luck to you.
if you know who's phone it is and not give it back that is stolen not found,,


New Member
He doesn't know whos phone it is. Wow you people are really pretty special. He works in a bar. Could belong to anyone. But it doesn't, it belongs to him now. If he hasn't sold it already. I would and then I'd go buy a nice piece of grow equipment. Fuck the world, that's what I say.


Well-Known Member
mygirls:7564799 said:
you BOOZE you lose.

what a dush bag, give the phone back.. if you are a thief then that makes you a lier and a cheat also.. and what you say here on this site won't mean shit to me and i hope most members LIERS, CHEATS AND THIFES HAVE NOTHING COMING BUT BUT LUCK AND CARM .. what come around goes around. if you keep it i DO HOPE YOU GET WHATS COMING 2U.. GOOD LUCK IN LIFE.
don't hate the playa hate the game

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
He doesn't know whos phone it is. Wow you people are really pretty special. He works in a bar. Could belong to anyone. But it doesn't, it belongs to him now. If he hasn't sold it already. I would and then I'd go buy a nice piece of grow equipment. Fuck the world, that's what I say.
You 20/30-somethings complain about how cruel the world is to you and then you do something like that. Pleeeeease.

Put an ad in your local paper in the Lost and Found. Say that you found something at the bar. Put the name of the bar in the ad. Don't say what it is, just say that the person will need to describe what they lost. If someone claims it tell them that you will charge them $5 day storage for the time you had it. If no one calls you then you have done the due diligence and it should be yours.

Check with your local laws but where I live in 30 days its yours free and clear.

That is the proper and legal way to do it and the po-po goes away. Keep a copy of the ad for your records just incase.

Lost and Found ads are usually free so it won't cost you a dime and it will stand up in court.

Do the honorable thing. You'll feel better about yourself and others will look at you differently, too.


Well-Known Member
Whos gives a fuck what ppl on this forum think honestly. Doesnt seem to me like he gives two shits.


Well-Known Member
Winter Woman:7565102 said:
He doesn't know whos phone it is. Wow you people are really pretty special. He works in a bar. Could belong to anyone. But it doesn't, it belongs to him now. If he hasn't sold it already. I would and then I'd go buy a nice piece of grow equipment. Fuck the world, that's what I say.
You 20/30-somethings complain about how cruel the world is to you and then you do something like that. Pleeeeease.

Put an ad in your local paper in the Lost and Found. Say that you found something at the bar. Put the name of the bar in the ad. Don't say what it is, just say that the person will need to describe what they lost. If someone claims it tell them that you will charge them $5 day storage for the time you had it. If no one calls you then you have done the due diligence and it should be yours.

Check with your local laws but where I live in 30 days its yours free and clear.

That is the proper and legal way to do it and the po-po goes away. Keep a copy of the ad for your records just incase.

Lost and Found ads are usually free so it won't cost you a dime and it will stand up in court.

Do the honorable thing. You'll feel better about yourself and others will look at you differently, too.

Love this player x


New Member
there are some right fucking thieving cunts about.
You got that right. I feel sorry for these losers. Life is going to kick their asses when they have to face it someday.

Shit, bragging about you thievery on a public forum is lame. Maybe the idiot thief will make a video of his accomplishment and put it on you tube.


Well-Known Member
You 20/30-somethings complain about how cruel the world is to you and then you do something like that. Pleeeeease.

Put an ad in your local paper in the Lost and Found. Say that you found something at the bar. Put the name of the bar in the ad. Don't say what it is, just say that the person will need to describe what they lost. If someone claims it tell them that you will charge them $5 day storage for the time you had it. If no one calls you then you have done the due diligence and it should be yours.

Check with your local laws but where I live in 30 days its yours free and clear.

That is the proper and legal way to do it and the po-po goes away. Keep a copy of the ad for your records just incase.

Lost and Found ads are usually free so it won't cost you a dime and it will stand up in court.

Do the honorable thing. You'll feel better about yourself and others will look at you differently, too.
Didn't you hear? This current generation is owed everything! :p


Well-Known Member
The prisons are full of guy's like this. It all starts with keeping someone elses property.
This lifestyle will eventually bring them all together, prison!

The good news is that he will eventually be locked-up with a whole bunch of other thieving *ssholes!
He can be with his own kind!
But stealing cell phones ain't gonna get him too much cred. He'll have to graduate to bigger things!
Good luck in prison

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