I finally depoted my roots from my 1st 4 ladies..
Surprised ta say the least.
All in the same type 3 gallon smart pots.. Grown together..
All have had all excess coco shaken off..
One is solid and large the other 3 have small solid cores and no roots beyond-none...
The soild one was BATF #2 and had no wick.
A gap formed mid tube atleast a inch wide about a inch down- no roots beyond this inch.
So what do I see here...

Top feeding was the only reason BATF#2 made it.
No wick top feeding only will get ya lower yields with low volume pulse feeds.
Smart Pots work really well.. This is the best formed none bound root mass I have had yet... Soild yet growing and still drained well.. Healthy...
Now the wicks..
Knowing that plants have a reason to do whatever they do.
Be it grow small or tall - up or sideways and so on...
Im seeing that if the plant is given a soild path to the nutrients they desire.
Then they will only grow the roots needed ta build this path, even if given more medium they wont waste energy building un needed roots.
This exsplains why my GSC is taller than any other yet in a 1 gallon smart pot. (Good wick) and I would bet $ the roots are growing and being air proned.
Otherwise... She would get or already be root bound.
At least thats what I think I see...lol