{> YEP'S <} Love's me some Beans~VERT~Multi ¥ Strain~ PPK~Seed~Evolution...

Ok im a goin ta be in trouble here...

Day 4 in pot veg... 1/4"-1/2" growth on all ladies..
30+ days to go.... ops...lol
GSC-Blue Hogs
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Really dig these CFL Hoods...
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Ok so I MIGHT have ONE more upgrade to my PPK system in mind.Kinda like to get the hoses out of the system all together.

Things to come...
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I love the way this looks...
Blue Alaskan Thunder Fcuk

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Blue Alaskan Thunder Fcuk #2. -- 26g
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BATF #1-- 49g
Please see Jar pictures. ..

Hawaiian Punch -- 29g
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King Kong OG -- 49g
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All 4 -from seed-under a 430w
151g Total.

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X with GMS pop.
B.A.T.F-- 10-20
H.P.-- 5-10
Kong-- 20-30

So... thats 4 cut and 14 to follow. Less than 30 days...
All flowered short and came out good.
Lots of dence nugs and great smells...

Smoked BATF#1 cut a week before #2 and she has a great centered and balanced buzz to her.
Great mellow head flights with little dips into sleepy then right back ta mellow active.. Great buzz..
Cant wait for the even better grown cloned ladies to finish..
Thats going to be really nice smoke...
I finally depoted my roots from my 1st 4 ladies..

Surprised ta say the least.

All in the same type 3 gallon smart pots.. Grown together..

All have had all excess coco shaken off..

One is solid and large the other 3 have small solid cores and no roots beyond-none...

The soild one was BATF #2 and had no wick.
A gap formed mid tube atleast a inch wide about a inch down- no roots beyond this inch.

So what do I see here...

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Top feeding was the only reason BATF#2 made it.
No wick top feeding only will get ya lower yields with low volume pulse feeds.

Smart Pots work really well.. This is the best formed none bound root mass I have had yet... Soild yet growing and still drained well.. Healthy...

Now the wicks..

Knowing that plants have a reason to do whatever they do.
Be it grow small or tall - up or sideways and so on...

Im seeing that if the plant is given a soild path to the nutrients they desire.
Then they will only grow the roots needed ta build this path, even if given more medium they wont waste energy building un needed roots.

This exsplains why my GSC is taller than any other yet in a 1 gallon smart pot. (Good wick) and I would bet $ the roots are growing and being air proned.

Otherwise... She would get or already be root bound.

At least thats what I think I see...lol

I'm not a big fan of wick systems in coco, because unless you flush your pots regularly, what tends to happen is the nutrient solution is wicked up from the bottom, then dries out near the top, which leads to excessive salt build-up and toxicity. I learned this the hard way while trying to grow coco pots in a flood and drain system. It worked great for a while, but then the plants started to show signs of nutrient lock-out. The trick was to give them a good flush every few days - but this kinda defeated the purpose of the flood-and-drain system, and that's when I went to run-to-waste - which is the perfect system for coco in IMO.

It also looks like you're drying your bud in your flowering chamber. Try to dry and store it in a darker place if you can, as heat and light break down THC. I always put my plants in a dark, dry spot for 2-3 days before harvest to increase trichome production. It doesn't actually increase trichome production, but rather there is no light to break it down, so it increases through lack of attrition.
I'm not a big fan of wick systems in coco, because unless you flush your pots regularly, what tends to happen is the nutrient solution is wicked up from the bottom, then dries out near the top, which leads to excessive salt build-up and toxicity. I learned this the hard way while trying to grow coco pots in a flood and drain system. It worked great for a while, but then the plants started to show signs of nutrient lock-out. The trick was to give them a good flush every few days - but this kinda defeated the purpose of the flood-and-drain system, and that's when I went to run-to-waste - which is the perfect system for coco in IMO.

It also looks like you're drying your bud in your flowering chamber. Try to dry and store it in a darker place if you can, as heat and light break down THC. I always put my plants in a dark, dry spot for 2-3 days before harvest to increase trichome production. It doesn't actually increase trichome production, but rather there is no light to break it down, so it increases through lack of attrition.

Great advice. . Though the PPK with jacks hydro eliminates these coco issues for the most part (almost fool proof)

I do dry in yhe tent with a false wall in place ya block light..
Heat is my main enemy yet the smells make it a must do..
Again.. Good advice...

Thanks for stopping in P.C.

Worked on the 1st 4 ladies.. So why not...

Going for more beans..

Pollinated. ..

GS Cookies (Bay Area-Clone Only) X Golden Mexican Sativa Pollen.

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Welcome to the club bro..lol. We all have those moments..
I toosed the pollen in the freezer with no preparation as a after thought last year and just got lucky it worked...

This year I will sift and save the right way..

Nothing but lessons learned bro.. Only gets better with grows under your belt..

Keep them joints a rollen...Kong...

Just how many joints will a roller roll, before breaking apart ?

So far about 300 - Might last a 100 more - with a little help from ducktape...

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That looks like fun but I use the Topps roller myself...:joint: Oh and your avatar is the shit man!

Cant find my tops..lol..

I have a auto cigarette filler I might start using.. Just need a carton of tubes.. Roll me some pack's. ..

I remove the filter and fill this space as well.. Looks just like a cig..

I've walk through crowds-freaking out girlfriends-no one could tell for sure it was me..lol

Love the look in peoples faces.. hahaha toke ha cough..