Yep Im for sure a newbie! Ph is a nightmare. Or is my soil Meter broke?


Well-Known Member
Hello I am Wiz. New to the forum. New to growing.

PH is a freaking nightmare. I cant seem to get the soil under a 7 to save my life.

I add 6.5 Ph water. Still over a 7.

I add 6.0 still over a 7.

I add 5.5 still over a freaking 7.......

I am using white vinegar to lower the Ph as the water I am using is 8.0.

What am I doing wrong? Any help would be great.
Hello I am Wiz. New to the forum. New to growing.

PH is a freaking nightmare. I cant seem to get the soil under a 7 to save my life.

I add 6.5 Ph water. Still over a 7.

I add 6.0 still over a 7.

I add 5.5 still over a freaking 7.......

I am using white vinegar to lower the Ph as the water I am using is 8.0.

What am I doing wrong? Any help would be great.
Ph'ing your water is important with other mediums, but not so much with soil. Just use your normal tap water. Trying to change the soil's ph would cause you more issues than anything. Most soils are ph buffered and have about 1-2 months of slow release nutes. Just focus on watering properly and the plant will uptake what it needs for nice growth. Advice that you didn't ask for: Try to maintain all the variables with growing, and dont hone in on one thing too much because that's when things become unbalanced.
Ph'ing your water is important with other mediums, but not so much with soil. Just use your normal tap water. Trying to change the soil's ph would cause you more issues than anything. Most soils are ph buffered and have about 1-2 months of slow release nutes. Just focus on watering properly and the plant will uptake what it needs for nice growth. Advice that you didn't ask for: Try to maintain all the variables with growing, and dont hone in on one thing too much because that's when things become unbalanced.
Appreciate that will keep it in mind.
Hello I am Wiz. New to the forum. New to growing.

PH is a freaking nightmare. I cant seem to get the soil under a 7 to save my life.

I add 6.5 Ph water. Still over a 7.

I add 6.0 still over a 7.

I add 5.5 still over a freaking 7.......

I am using white vinegar to lower the Ph as the water I am using is 8.0.

What am I doing wrong? Any help would be great.
I'm pretty sure I already know the problem. Are you testing with this meter?
I'm pretty sure I already know the problem. Are you testing with this meter?
This meter reads the same no matter what your PH is. I've tested it. You need a good one as @PadawanWarrior will attest to.
I'm pretty sure I already know the problem. Are you testing with this meter?
Yep. Thats the meter....
Did you calibrate the pH meter? You should do that anytime you use a pH meter because even slight taps against a meter can effect it. I mean, I have a older hanna, that really never needs calibrating, but I still check it before I use it. I also have a few of those cheap pH meters that I have to loan out to people and they even work well, but again, they need to be calibrated before use! And if you don't have any calibration liquid, you can use things like Coke pH 2.5, or Pepsi pH 2.6 for your calibration liquid!
EB STONE Recipe 420 is a killer soil and does not need ph adjustments... run tap and just grow.

This is the soil that is comparable to FFOF but a mild version. This the soil i do with my layered FFOF / recipe 420 layered water only grows.
vinegar is used as a DIY herbicide.

Are you actually having PH related problems with your plants? There are alternative ways of buffering your ph in soil, like using lime for example.

He's trying to lower his pH so lime isn't going to help with that. Aluminum sulphate would lower it quick but is tricky so not great for rookies.
I'm sure your right. Im a understand it type of fella. Care to explain why?

Vinegar is a weak organic acid and has little power to affect the pH in your soil. Proper pH down will lower the water pH but won't do much to chance the pH in the root zone unless you use lots of it and that's dangerous and probably not needed at all.

Unless your pH is way high you don't need to do anything when growing in real soil. The plants can actually adjust the pH around their roots to make sure it's good and also release sugars to feed the micro-herd if present.

Meters aren't worth crap and even the best and most expensive ones only give a ballpark estimate in soils. You'll make yourself nutso chasing the perfect pH so just leave it unless you're seeing pH related problems with your plants. People that use high ppm, high alkalinity tap water end up with minerals from the water building up in the soil and throwing everything off eventually.

you can use things like Coke pH 2.5, or Pepsi pH 2.6 for your calibration liquid!

I would not trust readings that were calibrated off anything that acidic. The reason you calibrate at 7 and 4 is so your meter is dialed into the range that encloses the range you will be working in for accuracy. Not to mention the crap in sodas will likely gum up the reference electrode.
