Yea boy!!! First sack in 2 1/2 weeks!!!


New Member
HAHA wow... Everyone of you guys are someone that ive said something to that you didnt like,lol...Glad you could all make it haha....


Well-Known Member
its quite funny just reading whats been and roll that fatty and puff for me.
ive been dry for a couple days and im hurting, i have no idea how you could wait 2 and half weeks..


New Member
Mark my words.... One day.. One day...You will ALL .... ALL be like ...

>>>>>>TOKER V


Vote justatoker in 09


Well-Known Member
Yeah Toker, you're a really nice guy. You contribute so much to this forum. I mean, look at this quote from you below - it's so constructive.....

Let's keep you around - we wouldn't want to be losing a valuable member of this forum.


Yeah Toker, you're a really nice guy. You contribute so much to this forum. I mean, look at this quote from you below - it's so constructive.....

Let's keep you around - we wouldn't want to be losing a valuable member of this forum.

play nice.... he's being good, why cant you?


Well-Known Member

yeah i gotta admit i thought he was a bit of an ass at first 2..... but what i didnt know is he was going without weed for so long.....i feel for u now bro ya did well lol.....;-)...

besides we all have our internet fights here, the fact that hes willing to fight for some shit sorta separates him from the other ppl here,
ya cant just be going off at him theres plenty of ppl here that do it..

i maself am guilty and been in some pointless fights... the point is it happens and it happens to us all, especially on a forum like this, seriously how many ppl are on riu, id bet at least 1/4 of them think theyre pros, 1/4 of them reckon they can grow the best bud 1/4 of them can honestly admit theyre capabilities, and the others either dont know shit or are just here for the laidback chats and what not. the noobs are the ones that cop it the most.. also when ya get a forum like this there is always going to be misconceptions and arguements, its the downside of having a big thinktank and thats what these forums are really....

anyhoo my oppinion of justatoker has changed some now that i know whats going on,
also he didnt do too bad he had all you guys baggin on him and still made me laugh so yeah i think everyone should give him a break..(to me this signifies change :) ). hes got some bud now so y not let him go back to being a happy member of the RIU community and drop it..... if he continuez to be an ass just be an ass back or ignore it... we al have our bad days we just gotta try keep it to ourselves and not the whole RIU community...

to justatoker
im glad you got some weed dude. you seem like a pretty cool bloke when your relaxed...

p.s i dont think weve have had a dissagreement yet either so there ya go ya got a few ppl here that dont just wanna disagree with whatever ya say lol.


Active Member
How's that new sack treating ya? I bet you're stoned out of your mind... haven't smoked in 2.5 weeks


New Member
im fucked up haha... It was funny/weird though.. Since I hadnt smoked in so loing, it kinda effected me funny..I got kinda paranoind at first.. Then kinda depressed, but after about an hour and a half I was able to just kick back and enjoy the ride......

lol im baked as hell no shit woot! Its not bad for 60 a half.. I have only smoked a half a J since I first posted.. Its that good..
