Yea boy!!! First sack in 2 1/2 weeks!!!


Well-Known Member
im fucked up haha... It was funny/weird though.. Since I hadnt smoked in so loing, it kinda effected me funny..I got kinda paranoind at first.. Then kinda depressed, but after about an hour and a half I was able to just kick back and enjoy the im baked as hell no shit woot!
haha hit a drout maself lol.... got some weed the other day same thing happened to me....
exactly, i hate mr paranoia.....


im fucked up haha... It was funny/weird though.. Since I hadnt smoked in so loing, it kinda effected me funny..I got kinda paranoind at first.. Then kinda depressed, but after about an hour and a half I was able to just kick back and enjoy the ride......

lol im baked as hell no shit woot! Its not bad for 60 a half.. I have only smoked a half a J since I first posted.. Its that good..

isnt it amazing how much of your tolerance you lose after a little break??


Well-Known Member
isnt it amazing how much of your tolerance you lose after a little break??
i second that notion :)

now the question is?????..... whats more hardcore your body being used to having more thc in its system and being starved for the stuff, then getting a hit.

or having your first ever toke...

i dont know about you guys but id say ma first toke after a fast was more intense than ma first time ever smoking...

i reckon after a fast wins.... and ma reasoning i dont know why maybe its cos your body is craving it and knows what to single in on or something i dunno, all i know is when ive gone without and then smoked again its way more hardcore than anything i remember from when i first started smoking...
and if ya want to get technical fuck quiting (thats never n option for me) all i gotta do is not have a cone for a few hours and then i get BLAZED... just gotta give the levels in ma body a little time to drop...


New Member
oh hells yea.. noting can compare to my very first time smoking weed.. It was awesome the first 5-6 times too..I was 13... I was with the same ppl. Doing the same thing.. Riding around listening to music smoking weed.. Good F'ing times..


Well-Known Member
yeah they were hey... the reason i find it more intense after a fast is because i never used to know what paranoia was.... but during the older years its become like ma friend lol....

your right tho when i first started smoking the level and quality of my stoned was far better,

but now all i have to do is wait a few hours like i said and then im wasted.... like today i have to wait for sommeone to knock off work so i havent had a cone yet.... so im bettiing tonight when i get ma pot im gonna be shitfaced too lol....


Well-Known Member
I don't think I have ever had as much fun as my first time getting really high. I laughed the whole time . . .


Well-Known Member

your first proper time getting high is the best because suddenly, this "is no mere plant". your imagination leans over and gives your realty a little tickle, all in good fun of course!

And moments like that are what shapes you as a person. And if your adventurous enough to discover more about yourself, the roll another joint already!

What a special creation :)