XxNinjaxX's Afghan Kush X White Widow!!


Active Member
Yeah, i did my 1st grow on bagseed, tha turned out to be a curse, they were genetic hermis.. I guess it shouldve occured to me that getting 8 seeds in a 1g bag isnt normal, but i was just so excited n i didnt know then wat i knew now.
Got some good knowledge off em tho.
same here i had 2 hermies and 2 males but my 1 lady is doing great


Well-Known Member
Thanks Wonder, I took that pic just the other day, it is my own strain that im breeding..
Nice What is the genetic backround. I'm starting another round. I had a major mistake on my last round where I think I may have had it pollinate in there. One of my strains was extremely susceptable to be hermaphrodite, and I didn't get it all. Result is some seeds in my good strains. Blueberry X Wonder Woman? THink they could be any good?


Well-Known Member
The seeds were originally from Male X Female and given to me. The strain was unstable and hermied when all other strains remained fine. And then pollinated the room so one was hermie genetics.... I am done with it now..... You wouldn't want it........ Hey Im gonna post a diagram. Tell me what you think
Plants in 5 gallon buckets vegged to 4 feet before flowering, topped once at 12 inches.
Plants will be in a circle around the vertical 1k, and there will be 388w of T8 tubes as rear/ side lighting and to contain the light of the vertical bulb.
Fan blowing directly up on vertical bulb.
What you think?


Well-Known Member
Thats what my new journal in sig is all about. I think I got the Wonder Woman, Hash Plant, and Flo figured out. FLo was a very heavy yielder. I also have LBC LAV X Purple Voodoo. THe only experience with this is the one 5 weeks in flower, but my buddies turned out great. 8 plants total, who Knows how many if not all I will flower....... They are about 16" tall now and have been topped, and lower growth trimmed.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any good Blueberry Genetics. The BB I had hermied under almost all circumstances no matter who grew it or where. However The bud was delicious hand had a nice citrus smell and taste to it.

Looks good Ninja. The SLH will be in my future real soon. Loved that last grow.


Well-Known Member
..Can't believe its been over a month since i posted any pictures.. I feel so Slack :o

I have a lovely pic of the cola here for u guys though so enjoy..

Harvest should be coming along in a few days now - just waiting for that Trich ratio to end up how i like it :blsmoke:
Peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hell Yea. That looks like some dense bud. Wish I had the patience like you to let something cure for another few weeks before burnin.


Well-Known Member
holy shit lol
Thanks for the kind words :joint:

Hell Yea. That looks like some dense bud. Wish I had the patience like you to let something cure for another few weeks before burnin.
Trust me, it aint easy.. Everyday i look @ em n think to myself 'screw it, il just cut em today'
(If i wasnt battling the recent spidermite problem, i may have already, but i gotta make sure i get all the eggs off before i cut em, or else il b sharing my weed with the little buggers whilst it dries & cures :wall:).

Im glad im moving once this grow is done, means i get to clean it all up & setup anew without the spider-mites.
I've got a Nice SLH cutting ready to go, & a Blue Cheese cutting ready for when i move and r going to be the lucky ladies in my next grow room.
I plan to take more cuttings off them whilst they're growing and then the grow after that with the 2 strains again, and hopefully by then i've got my hands on some sort of Nice Purple Strain to accompany them :lol:


Well-Known Member
i was begining 2 wonder if u were still around ninja .....plant looks great !!!!!
Cheers mate, ive been slack on not only updating here, but also on the actual tending of the plants, im suprised at the growth of em considering i gave em 1/2 the attention they needed.

Just finished reading your Super Lemon Haze grow, wow. I regret not finding it sooner, but definitely not gonna miss this one.
Fuck, guess I tuned in too late again, next time though.
Haha, nevermind matey, u will get ur chance to see it again - my next grow will be detailed much closer, it will be awesome. Im giving aqauponics a crack, hopefully going to grow 2 big trees of Super Lemon Haze & Blue Cheese.


Well-Known Member
I have been a little slack on my plants care as well. Just been feeling sick,but the plants sure arent, they are thriving and alive........ Looking forward to pics