Thanks for the kind words
Hell Yea. That looks like some dense bud. Wish I had the patience like you to let something cure for another few weeks before burnin.
Trust me, it aint easy.. Everyday i look @ em n think to myself 'screw it, il just cut em today'
(If i wasnt battling the recent spidermite problem, i may have already, but i gotta make sure i get all the eggs off before i cut em, or else il b sharing my weed with the little buggers whilst it dries & cures

Im glad im moving once this grow is done, means i get to clean it all up & setup anew without the spider-mites.
I've got a Nice SLH cutting ready to go, & a Blue Cheese cutting ready for when i move and r going to be the lucky ladies in my next grow room.
I plan to take more cuttings off them whilst they're growing and then the grow after that with the 2 strains again, and hopefully by then i've got my hands on some sort of Nice Purple Strain to accompany them