xmas lists! what would you like this year?

just give me weed
or monies for other paraphenalia.

i honestly don't want anything. not now or ever. but weed and money would certainly be helpful :D
a christmas list.....

1. a church renovated to be a home
2. a hover jet or/ private jet
3. money to fuel the community
4. a pole shift of sorts, enlightenment and the progression of a new chromosome
5. one of the prop chucky dolls used in the child's play movies
6. a hot female goth slave ready to play, for my wife, which in turn leads to a happy things for me
5. one of the prop chucky dolls used in the child's play movies

You're sick......imagine waking up to that shit every morning, staring at you from on top of your drawer or wherever else you might keep it.

Man, a list huh, honestly, this is the first time I've ever been asked this (albeit, indirectly)


1. Some decent weed
2. To graduate this year.
3. A nice bottle of some single malt whiskey (been looking at some highland park, it looks awesome) or just a bottle of Jonnie Walker King George V special edition.
4. A new skateboard
5. And to be able to send gifts to my family back in NZ, I wish I had more cash.
6. My wife will be having surgery not long after, so I hope that that all goes smoothly and without any hiccups aswell.
1. For someone on here to steal me away from here, and make me their "karate kid", only I'll be kickin' some grass' ass.
2. My own place.
3. My own bong. (2 has to come first sadly)
4. A girlfriend that smokes HERB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Thats actually number 1)
5. Hm, something materialistic...ah here we go!


Nice thread
A couple of Lucky Hoodies would be sweet, or any nice sweat shirts. I really want a portable vape but thats for another time.

I've already been out shopping, here's what I got so far:

Son - 32 inch Sony 1080p LCD
Wife - Celestrial Telescope

I'll get them some more stuff.

What I want is a goPro HD Helmet Cam.


but I'll always take GOLD :joint::peace:
To have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! Now evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that cannot be done. ...
i was just on the aqualabs site the other day after watching a few vids on this site, and i could surely come up with a few things off that site for sure..
i also wanted a vaporizer, since i've never tried one before, so i went out and bought myself the extreme q vap extreme kit, and can't wait for it to get here..
i would also like my mom to have a nice christmas this year with no unnecasary fighting between siblings..
also want some new dank for the new year, so i ordered myself some of cali connects chem 4..
lastly, i would like many many many happy future harvests for myself and all the other riu members...
Peace on Earth haaaaa just kidding.........something good to smoke and drink on and maybe an environmental controller would be bad ass...YOU HEAR ME SANTA AN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLLER WOULD BE BAD ASS!!!!
1. A lot of hash - (Trying to move into that market)

2. Chapters gift cards so I can order some new grow books - (Indoor marijuana horticulture, Buds for less, Breeder's bible)

3. For my female not to complain about what colour uggs I get her because she's a selfish tramp sometimes unfortunately.. :(:(