Clonazepam is my benzo of choice, and 1mg Lorazepam is not equivalent to 10mg Alprazolam ... wtf, do you believe everything you google?
I never liked alprazolam it seems to just put me to sleep, whereas clonazepam not only relieves my anxiety but makes me *far* more socially outgoing, I get a lot of things done (where usually I get nothing done because I suffer MDD).
Just be careful, benzos seriously fuck up your long term memory (I've been taking clonazepam for just over 15 years and aside from it's wonderful anti-anxiety effects I do regret how bad my memory is, I feel like an old man but I'm only 34). That could be related to my somewhat wreckless use of grey market benzos and thienodiazepines (eg. flubromazepam*, clonazolam, etizolam etc.)
*Be *REALLY* careful with pam, it is so powerful it's effects last day's and if you are not tolerant to benzos expect a week long blackout.