Xanax love

google it, 1 mg is equal to 10 mg of zany, ativan snorted hirts 100 times faster and harder than under the tongue 1mg can cause a overdose/death

try it.... i have, 1/2 a mg snorted was way more instense than 1.25mg under the tongue
Your not gunna die from 1 mg of ativan lol there safe just don't drink with them ,I love klonopin not sure what I like better xans are klonopin ativan are good only tried valium twice all these benzos are similar xans and ativan hit you quick and leave your system, klonopin and valium build up in your system and stay with you longer
I actually like to take 1mg xanax when I drop lsd. It takes the edge off and it's a fantastic ride.
It also kills alot of the trip, your trip probably isnt half as strong as it should be. We always used them for people to come down from a trip whether they were having a bad one or just needed to sleep.
It also kills alot of the trip, your trip probably isnt half as strong as it should be. We always used them for people to come down from a trip whether they were having a bad one or just needed to sleep.
Wow I had no clue. It must have been some strong acid as I still fried my balls off for about 9 hours.
Wow I had no clue. It must have been some strong acid as I still fried my balls off for about 9 hours.
Yeah I've taken it and have went from full blown out of my mind trip to asleep within an hour. Save em for when you ready to chill out or go to sleep, I love to have them on hand for that cause I dont always have a whole 12 hours to trip.
I used to love to eat Xanax. Hell, all the benzos. Ativan, Klonopin, etc.. But it's easy to get addicted. I never did, but a lot of guys I know did. It would be nice to find a cannabis strain that was just like Xanax, except you wouldn't get addicted to it.
a tiny dose if a trip gets too intense helps...

but fuck all those opiates - know 2 dudes bumming the streets now thanks to that shit....
Xanax is a benzo, I wouldn't suggest opiates while tripping. I know at least for molly I've got terrible serotonin syndrome when taking them together and trust me that is one of the most miserable feelings in the world, makes opiate withdrawals seem tame.
Xanax is a benzo, I wouldn't suggest opiates while tripping. I know at least for molly I've got terrible serotonin syndrome when taking them together and trust me that is one of the most miserable feelings in the world, makes opiate withdrawals seem tame.
spot on, stopped taking gabapentin cold turkey without reading anything or asking anyone, and by the time I hit urgent care not sure what was happening. Dr. said serotonin event, after 3 days of no sleep and weird sweating, back of head and neck and forehead, just drenching me. Talked to the pharmacist bout it and he said don't ever do that again, lol, come in and we can give a couple to get you to your dr. You are right, though, comin off dilaudid was nothing compared to that lil seratonin event.
spot on, stopped taking gabapentin cold turkey without reading anything or asking anyone, and by the time I hit urgent care not sure what was happening. Dr. said serotonin event, after 3 days of no sleep and weird sweating, back of head and neck and forehead, just drenching me. Talked to the pharmacist bout it and he said don't ever do that again, lol, come in and we can give a couple to get you to your dr. You are right, though, comin off dilaudid was nothing compared to that lil seratonin event.
Was on gabapentin for a few months last year. I have nerve issues in my mouth after having wisdom tooth pulled. The gabapentin helped a bit but had to stop taking it cause it made me feel unhuman. Now I just chew ice all day
spot on, stopped taking gabapentin cold turkey without reading anything or asking anyone, and by the time I hit urgent care not sure what was happening. Dr. said serotonin event, after 3 days of no sleep and weird sweating, back of head and neck and forehead, just drenching me. Talked to the pharmacist bout it and he said don't ever do that again, lol, come in and we can give a couple to get you to your dr. You are right, though, comin off dilaudid was nothing compared to that lil seratonin event.

I literally thought my head was going to explode. I rarely ever throw up from anything even if I have the flu or something but I threw up like 5 times just because my head hurt so bad. I literally laid in the floor in the fetal position all night. My friends wanted to call 911 but we were at a dope house so I told them as long as I was breathing to just let me grind it out. Definitely the most painful experience of my life.
Xanax is a benzo, I wouldn't suggest opiates while tripping. I know at least for molly I've got terrible serotonin syndrome when taking them together and trust me that is one of the most miserable feelings in the world, makes opiate withdrawals seem tame.

I definitely suggest opium and lsd.

It goes in the order of strength: Valium, Klonopin, Xanax, and Ativan. Ativan is stronger, it just has a shorter half life.

But I have GAD and panic disorder. I don't take them for fun. I have before, but I don't now.
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Clonazepam is my benzo of choice, and 1mg Lorazepam is not equivalent to 10mg Alprazolam ... wtf, do you believe everything you google?

I never liked alprazolam it seems to just put me to sleep, whereas clonazepam not only relieves my anxiety but makes me *far* more socially outgoing, I get a lot of things done (where usually I get nothing done because I suffer MDD).

Just be careful, benzos seriously fuck up your long term memory (I've been taking clonazepam for just over 15 years and aside from it's wonderful anti-anxiety effects I do regret how bad my memory is, I feel like an old man but I'm only 34). That could be related to my somewhat wreckless use of grey market benzos and thienodiazepines (eg. flubromazepam*, clonazolam, etizolam etc.)

*Be *REALLY* careful with pam, it is so powerful it's effects last day's and if you are not tolerant to benzos expect a week long blackout.